I) Ukraine makes it mandatory for all men to take up arms, makes it impossible for them to leave


I) Ukraine makes it mandatory for all men to take up arms, makes it impossible for them to leave

2) Gives every Ukrainian male guns to attack invade army

3) Invading army kills all armed combatants

Lelelelelele... war crimes

The chronicles of brainless shit eating shills volume 37

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Other urls found in this thread:


When every fighting age male citizen is drafted into combat, all fighting aged men become enemy combatants. Zelensky is free to take that L

So if USA was invaded, and this happened, it would be brainless that you were defending the red white and blue?

He shouldn't have started this fight. The reason for the fight is because of the Nazi.

Stop telling me this isn't based, you dirty Jew nigger.

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Life as a man is a scam, famalam.


Friendly reminder that Zelensky could've prevented all of this by just surrendering and agreeing to peace talks.

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Good. Russian army is effective. If you don't want to die just surrender.

I remember the British doing the same to an Indian city during the Sepoy Mutiny.

>Victim blaming

Based Z boys.

Yea US invaded Syria, Iraq, Libya and bombed Yemen and killed millions.

The war crimes committed by US army is beyond count and every single part of it will be paid back with interest. It’s just karma

Which part of "To the last Ukrainian" were you having trouble with?

>He said bathing in the blood of Syrian Children.

Zelensky can take big black dick like his homo movie fuck azov and fuck neo nazis fuck russia too How dare they have a race war!

Lol will you guys surrender if Russia asked?


You mean switch sides.

Uhhhh I thought the West wanted a Ukrainian insurgency??

Go die for Ukraine, Pidor. Your Reddit bf already has alone with his two lovers.

Zelensky turned them all into combatants. He is a war criminal.

whatever as long as i get ukrainian refugee pussy

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Anyone else noticed how one day the Russian army is getting destroyed and Ukraine is about to take Moscow, then the next day Russia is evil and totally destroying towns and slaughtering everyone?

This was probally Azov killing all russian speaking civilians.

He could also prevent it by not turning all civilians into combatants.

>Maidan snipers
>Victoria Nuland
kek, yeah, but tell me more about victim blaming.
That's a very bold statement after 20 years and $2 trillion, not even counting the millions of refugees your wars have caused.

Attached: npc_ukraine.jpg (1000x1808, 134.46K)

Yes, because we're not ruled by a macho lunatic.

This, its hilarious how they pose this war as "the largest war in europe since WW2", they have to put the "in europe" in there to avoid discussing the 50 other wars the US participated in since WW2

death to america
death to israel
glory to china
glory to russia
glory to iran

>Gives every Ukrainian male guns to attack invade army
They didn't.

Remind us. What was the age range that Zelensky militarized and armed?
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

does anyone read these threads or are they only made for and by Indians getting payed by the Russian govt?

You know that meme quote that redditors were spouting in the beginning of the war?
"The first casualty in war is truth"

Turns out it goes both ways.



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that’s insane
russian expansionism started this fight
it was a bitch move because ukraine didn’t want to be russian

>muh democracy

No it won’t you fugly nerd

Mikey sounds like a woman.

Dont pick up a gun if you dont want to get shot.

I come in and try to get (you)’s from the shills

Localhomo sisters...


You obviously can. One of the possibilities when you do that however is getting shot.

This picture is dumb. I care about whites more than browns. Don't you?

>source: the same people behind the iraq war, Russian hacking, totally healthy and necessary vaccines for killer 0.02% mega plague, gender is a choice, all white people are racist


You faggots can lie and act as scummy as you want, but in the end this is a loss for you, the prisoners of war now taken and from now on taken will answer for this. There will be no video this time, no grainy photos. They will be beaten to death, set on fire, have their cocks cut off and fed to their comrades before his eyes are removed and disembowled. They will know pain like the orkz never have before.

Then they will be buried in unmarked mass grave, their casualty never reported because even their own leaderz do not care for their lifes, seeing as their lifez have no value.


Attached: zubhuman orcs russians.jpg (267x267, 36.35K)

No they don’t. Jews kept men as hostages and cannon fodder and when Russian moved they slaughtered everyone and put blame on Russia

>Tying up civies and braining them
You know that's a false equivalency faggot. And I also know for a fact that you were probably one of the the faggot Russiaboos shitting bricks when those Russian pows got kneecapped or whatever other 'ukranian war crimes' you have to bitch about

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Don't breathe if you don't want to be a thot

good after Ukraine decided they no longer follow rules of war then Russians should retaliate in kind.

I was never on your side.

The Russian mindset is that of an abusive husband who beats his wife and then blames her for the beating.

Until proof is provided that sounds like another Snake Island lie

Exterminate all Russians.

Finland, the Baltic States and the rest of Eastern Europe should Purge all Russians.

or killing the ones who wouldnt join their militia.

No one is stopping you from dying in Ukraine right now. You reddit spacing niggers like to talk about others fighting Russians