Why is pol surprised by the treasonous behavior of women in wartime?

This shit is like History 101, literally the founding myth of Rome

>When the festival was in full swing, Romulus gave the signal to his men and they immediately abducted the Sabine women — overpowering the Sabine men. The historian Livy counts as many as thirty women to have been kidnapped and raped by the Romans on that day, all of whom are said to be virgins, except Hersilia, who later became Romulus’ wife and played an important part in ending the subsequent conflicts.
>The conflict between the Sabines and the Romans remained alive for some time but it appeared that Romulus and his troops were on the verge of victory. However, the Sabine women themselves, led by Romulus’ wife and daughter of king Titus, put themselves between both armies and demanded that both parties lay down their arms.
>[They], from the outrage on whom the war originated, with hair dishevelled and garments rent, the timidity of their sex being overcome by such dreadful scenes, had the courage to throw themselves amid the flying weapons, and making a rush across, to part the incensed armies, and assuage their fury; imploring their fathers on the one side, their husbands on the other, "that as fathers-in-law and sons-in-law they would not contaminate each other with impious blood, nor stain their offspring with parricide, the one their grandchildren, the other their children. If you are dissatisfied with the affinity between you, if with our marriages, turn your resentment against us; we are the cause of war, we of wounds and of bloodshed to our husbands and parents. It were better that we perish than live widowed or fatherless without one or other of you."



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It's very difficult to be happily married to a woman. Having children is important. Good wife is important. But it's very tempting to forget what they are like, and how they will quickly and easily betray you. Making yourself desirable will protect against this, but never 100%. The best men can be cucked, ruined, betrayed. You can never trust anyone . And with that, love is impossible for me

Who’s pol

Have sex

Don’t even have to go back that far. French women were known for hooking up with nazi occupiers.

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imagine taking accounts of tribal conflicts written 7 centuries later seriously.

Polish women would regularly hook up and try to marry soviet soldiers during the communist period
also this

Gay love is the only true form of love. Women are completely incapable of it. The concept of undying loyalty and loving someone for who they are instead of for what you can get out of them doesn't exist to them. The closest thing would be a mother's love for her kids but they fuck that up all the time too.
In reality none of this would even be a problem if affection between males became normalized again. You just use women for putting babies in and go to your male friends for emotional support. Psyoping straight guys into experiencing massive amounts of insecurity about both giving and receiving affection to other guys has been a fucking disaster. In college I hugged and held a bunch of straight friends, they all really enjoyed it despite initial hesitation and realized that touching another guy doesn't suddenly convert you into being a faggot.

have. been in two relationships, he speaks the truth sadly

>You'd always agree with me if you could coom in poon

Why do roasties and trannies assume this?

Don't even have to go back at all, look around you.

Actually I should specify between humans, female animals will love you just the same lmao. It's literally only human women that are a problem.

I'm an Arab in London, I've fucked 3 Israeli girls and 2 Americans

my cousin has an african american black boyfriend, polish women will literally fuck anything that's from the west

Jewish girls are big whores.
They love to gobble on gentile cock.

Have you done anything about it?

no, he's much taller and stronger than me

You're even worse, there is no love between men of yoru kind only lust. Fags have hundreds of different sex partners.

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I call people the N word on the internet
that’s how I cope

Get fit and beat the fuck out of him niggers don't know how to fight, they just flail their arms autistically for a few seconds then get tired. If you take a nigger to the ground the fight is already over. Or just use a weapon.

I want people in this thread to understand webm is the brains of most women and all women are whores

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It is them being traitorous whores AND lying that they are oppressed while getting more and more privilidges everyday. I don't think there was ever a point in history where women had more and were so deserving of hate.

if i rape a woman in rome does she become my wife?
asking for a friend

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I've had one in my entire life and it's my bf I met in middle school. Of course a lot of fags sleep around but so do women and straight men, it's the zeitgeist. The average fag doesn't have dozens of sexual partners. You don't even notice the average fag because we don't make it into our entire lifestyle. If it's really so hard for you to imagine then think of a best friend except you get touchy feely with him.

I'd rather give it too them rough.

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>Fags have hundreds of different sex partners.
Jelly much?
The reason gays have more sex is due to men being less picky. If every other woman accepted your sexual advances, you would get laid frequently too. What you attribute as a fag trait is actually a core trait of male sexuality.

im 5'11 and scrawny he's 6'7 and very muscular, even if I get fit he's still 20cm taller than me

Go back

dont listen to that idiot fagbro. I respect fags because unlike most dumbasses on this board I realise it's better to let you guys fuck each other so there's less competition for women rather than pressuring you to marry and be 'normal'

if you speak truth, you're a lone exception
it's how they pushed to normalise that shit in the first place

So smash him in the kneecap with a monkey wrench or something, get creative

i dont want to go to jail over a nigger that's just stupid

No, not at all. It is revolting. If it isn't bad enough, they've managed to destroy the sanctity of marriage too. Peopel like that only know lust. There is no love involved.

A while back I was watching a show on TV where a fag was casually talking about being fucked up his ass yet he only wanted to smoke cigarettes off-camera because he thought that was vulgar. That is the point we are at today.

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>If it isn't bad enough, they've managed to destroy the sanctity of marriage too.
Feminism destroyed the sanctity of marriage (divorce rape, alimony etc), not gay larp ceremonies. You could make gay marriage illegal (no sane homosexual cares about that crap) and nothing would change.