Were the Romans white?


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Augustus was a ginger, so no.

Albinism isn’t a race. It’s a genetic mutation and defect. No such thing as “white”.

Northern romans = white
southern romans = nigger

Patricians were
Plebs were niggers


Attached: snownigger (2).png (1226x654, 471.04K)

The fascination with Romans revolves around the form of government.

People of modern day Romania are the direct descendants of Ancient Romans. Would you consider them white

No they were Australian Aboriginals.

His hair and eyes were said to be the same colour, but he also had 'clear, bright' eyes. I can only assume that means he had hazel eyes and light brown hair.
Also, he was technically a pleb.

Were romans white

Does this look like a nigger to you

Attached: Augustus.jpg (345x417, 38.31K)

>the romans
What romans, and when.
You're talking about a group that went from 753 BC to 1453 AD and spanned more than a continent, what PART are you talking about?

They are, the gypsies are not the romanians.

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t. ranny

kek face isnt even the same. look at mouth, nose lmao

at the time of their early empire yes
near the end of it arguable

kinda looks like young putin

are you a real chinaman or an english teacher?

So if I say retarded will it be corrected to wetawwded

im coronachan