This is the modern conservative platform...

This is the modern conservative platform. Explain how you're not a triggered snowflake is you ascribe to this level of fragility.

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Lmao yes, conservatives are conserving the ENGLISH LANGUAGE.

Go put "non dairy creamer" up your ass hole northerner.

we've advanced past twitter-posting into this shit?

florida is based. simple as

This is why they lost and will continue to forever lose the culture war

>some guy tweets

Maybe the twitter poster haters are right. You people are insufferable.

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>we don't have options and that makes things right

Onions boy detected

Isn't this just Gatekeeping?

Loser is gatekeeping like it's 1990.

"You can't do it like this, bro! THEY SAID NOT TO DO IT LIKE THAT, BRO DON'T DO IT."

Explain how you're a secular nihilist if you're such a zealous moralfag? You worship gay niggers.

Massgive Green Newfag

>Not drinking your coffee navy black and buying it from a fag shop

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>"I'd like milk in my coffee"
>"What kind of milk"
>"X milk"
>This is somehow a long conversation for conservatives.
Also, I guess you don't get to specify what type of regular milk: i.e. skim, 2% or whole milk. When you are getting conservative coffee, you just get a random type of milk added, so the conversation is less then 3 syllables long.

well… as a floridian nobody does ask what I’m truly asking for if I say milk. I guess this guy is a takeout coffee enthusiast instead of making his own.

It's evident of an attack on culture. The larger attack and culture is the issue.

>the English language is static

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He's probably some 2% drinking normie faggot which isn't any better then nut milk. If that milk isn't full cream I'll put in fucking powered creamer before I water down my coffee.

It’s not a big deal but people get annoyed at unnecessary changes in language.

Milk is milk, if you want something specific such as almond milk it’s your job to specify. Stop acting stupid.

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Imagine unironically using Twitter.

Hey buck. I think you're killing it in rush's spot. Look forward to seeing more of your twatter screencaps

Florida and Texas are so fucked now. The mass exodus to these states will absolutely flip them Blue

Conservatives are so pathetic.

OP want to know how I can tell you're gay?

I wouldn’t be so sure about that. A lot of these families here are upper class white and conservatives, but I’m not saying that’s all good. I think they’re fit we states will become harder blue


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Democrats are religiously telling us that men who took some estrogen supplements are women, you fucking dumb trash

He's got my vote just for the name.

Mixing water with blended nuts and adding food coloring is not milk

>replaced Rush Limbaugh's slot
>on 400+ stations

Since a US president used Twitter, as his primary way to disseminate information, this meme really died stillborn.

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... and specifying what kind of milk you'd want, regardless of if its almond milk or what kind of regular milk, is what you would do in the third line of my scripted dialogue there. Right there, where it says "X milk". It's just as much of a specification to say almond/onions/oat milk as to say skim/2%/whole. The only reason this is being discussed is because onions/almond/oat milk is homosex blue state libtard milk, and we have to hate everything that is homosex bluestate libtarded.

Nonsensical culture war busy work. Dem, reps, libs, cons, they are all the enemy.

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Go be triggered elsewhere, retard.

Makes sense. If I wanted onions or almond or skim I would've said. I said milk, I get regular milk. Simple.

Who asks for milk in their coffee? People want half and half or cream. No one puts just plain milk.

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Guess I'm not wrong, then.

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except nuts dont give milk because they aren't animals
why not call it juice, which it is?
drink your juice like a little baby from a sippy cup