After the Mexican invasion is complete, will spics stand up to blacks?

We all know that whites are over after the border surge in May. Once whites are officially minorities on paper, will beaners do the work that whites were too afraid to do? Will beans be the ones to finally stand up to blacks?

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Fuck off. Black women know how to take it up the ass.

>Fuck off. B-Bwack women knyow how t-to take i-it up t-t-the a-ass.

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loser nigger picked a weak person to victimize, like the cowards they are.

I'd put a nigger through a wall if he started shit with me.

Black “women” awe wepuwsive and so is anaw, mutt anyimal.

Spics would not tolerate niggers bullshit for a minute if they were the absolute majority and ruling power in America. Have you seen how savage they are in the cartel wars? Niggers should be hardcore republicans because if they keep letting spics flood our borders, their descendants will be getting ethnically cleansed in a hundred years or so.

>thinking there will be just one

More than likely yes. They're just as racist towards blacks, if not more, than whites are. Mexicans have to deal with South American blacks. Mexicans are also pretty tight with family and God. Mess with one bean, you get the while burrito

You know you want some big black ass son.

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Notice how the formerly black areas of California are Mexican territory now? There is your answer.

>thinking i don't draw if there's more than one

>thinking youre the only one armed

>Mexicans have to deal with South American blacks.
They haven't done anything about them
>Mexicans are also pretty tight with family
It's common for mexican girls to be molested by an uncle or brother. They're just like niggers in how they have sex with cousins in secret as teenagers.
>and God
No they aren't.

I would punch the nog soooo hard in the nuts it would ensure he would be sterile.

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in my experience with having to flash my gun at niggers i am. they never carry and always fuck off when the gun comes out

good luck

What are 1900's - 2000's race wars?


Everyone hates niggers except for self-hating whites and niggers themselves. I’d like to see nogs try their shit in Mexico, South America or even Puerto Rico; their skinned bodies would be found hanging from overpasses the next morning.

LOL you're funny you think beaners have any agency at all they'll just get pushed around by whatever other alien the government airdrops

When whitey is gone no one is going to be coddling niggers. Arabs and chinks will enslave and castrate them. Everyone else will just kill them.

Mexicans are just gonna turn the US into Mexico 2.0 with poverty and crime trailing behind them. Wether they don't take shit from niggers is irrelevant cause they're not any better than niggers themselves and throw the gringo word around more than blacks say cracker.

Can confirm, Is family tradition to beat the shit out of anyone that fucks with the family.

Whites used to have the nog problem contained but (((someone))) subverted major institutions

First you'll have to stop emulating them. Pull your pants up, put your hat on straight and speak correct english.

I mean white people are the worst. What's wrong with saying that?

Mexicans will just turn the US into Mexico aka a completely poor shithole ran by criminal gangs, Blacks and Mexicans will war for the streets, eventually establish their own respective strongholds and everyone loses.

Larp. Your sister spreads her legs for Tyrese while you sit in your room playing video games.

All 5’6 of Jose Juan and Jalisco won’t do shit. They will just copy them (sagging pants, rap, ghetto)
>Inb4 spic says he’s trad, works construction, and has illegal immigrant wife that just arrives with 3 years ago

>will beaners do the work that whites were too afraid to do

Back in like the 1990's and early 2000's, many hispanic street gangs would terrify niggers and drive them out of neighborhoods. A primary reason why there aren't alot of black people in L.A is exactly because of that. I dont know about now

Still just as easy, niggers have weak bones, easily knocked out

To be fair, the Americas wouldn’t have even close to as many blacks as we currently do if Jews didn’t send them over here on ships. Slave owners should’ve at least made them infertile and prevented the problem from continuing to the present day.

Ask Trayvon how it worked out when he tried to jump a spic. You will need a oujia board