What can be done to stop the spraying?

These streaks in the skies aren't condensation trails from commercial airliners. They're spraying our skies with heavy metal particulates for geoengineering purposes. Why does society accept this? What can be done to stop it?

Attached: chemtrails1.jpg (1364x1810, 243.45K)

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it's water.

nice merchant

Cool it with the anitsemitism.

If that were true, then how do you explain the abnormally high levels of barium, strontium and aluminum in the trails? And in rainwater and snowmelt? It's been demonstrated by many researchers.

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Why do they do it?


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>what can be done to stop it?
Nothing. Cope.

ha I dumped a giww after 1 d-date because she bwought that buwwshit up. I busted in hew a-ass and then d-didn't caww hew back after t-that. I don't d-date schizo cunts.

by voting

>They're spraying ouw skies with heavy m-m-metaw

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ya right

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prove it isn't simply condensation from aircraft engines or fuel being dumped at worst...

A-w-c-h-i-v-e-s, n-e-g-r-o-i-d.

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Dr. J Marvin Herndon has published many peer-reviewed scientific papers on this topic, see for example section 2.3 of this paper for a discussion of his forensics analysis of rainwater. I'll leave it to you to explore further if you're genuinely interested and not just shilling


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>Airplanyes dump heavy metaws. Sometimes t-t-the planyes awe d-d-dumping infectious diseases, typicawwy a cough UwU t-to make people sick. They did this in Ontawio during a Christmas break about 5 years ago, and most people came d-d-down with a hacking cough. *cries*
>HAARP cweates EMF waves that awe used t-to m-m-manyipuwate t-t-the weather. T-The heavy metaw *runs away* p-pawticwes make t-t-the weathew much e-easiew t-to manipuwate. T-The guvwnment has t-t-the abiwity t-to cweate townados and shit.
>Owgonite has t-t-the powew t-to clear chemtwaiws. It cweates hawmonyious enyewgy which causes wapid condensation of t-t-the H-HAAWP chemtwaiw *looks at you* ways.
t. many years of watching t-t-the skies

Serious though about t-t-the sicknyess thing: Watch fow w-w-when t-t-the skies turn dawk, w-w-when i-it shouwd be nice w-weathew, and then afterwards a nyew cough UwU vawiant starts circulating.

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Was thinking about making this t-thwead t-t-the othew day. I don't knyow man. Every time I try t-to spwead awawenyess t-t-the brain d-dead w-w-wetawds wike just repeat this like they've been trainyed. They spway t-t-the shit out of my awea evewy damn day. Like coowdinyated *sees bulge* spwaying. I see muwtipwe c-c-chemjets spwead apawt just faw enyough t-to encompass t-t-the entiwe sky. Fow exampwe, if thewe's a jet spraying a winye, a few minyutes watew anyothew jet wiww spway a winye parallel t-to i-it. This wepeats untiw t-t-the entiwe sky uvw my house is c-compwetewy cuvred with this shit. It's always hazy.

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Air contwow is nowmie shit though. Air twaffick is do pubwic autists on this site twack flights fow f-f-fun. Thinking there awe common c-chem twaiw tankews just flying awound with no o-one at t-t-the air contwow centews acwoss t-t-the world saying "-"hey t-t-that's really fucking weird".

You think the government is evil enough to poison people; but are so stupid that there best idea was to spray it across the sky in broad daylight?


HAARP Clouds.
These aren't natural.

Attached: HAARP Clouds.jpg (259x194, 8.21K)

I can't undewstand these posts. What t-t-the fuck is with t-t-the text!?

It seems to warm up whenever they spray. I've watched them for years. If I see planes out spraying I know the next few days will be warm/warmer. They use it to break up snowstorms sometimes. This winter was very cold because they didn't spray much.
>take your meds
Fuck you shills, I have better pattern recognition than 99%

I think 'the guvwnment' is a nyebuwous tewm and s-such a spraying pwogwam w-wouwd be highwy compawtmentawized.
Any thoughts on why J-J-John Brennan w-wouwd be discussing this in mewewy hypothetical tewms - as s-something w-w-we *-*-*may* nyeed t-to e-e-expwowe in t-t-the future?!?1 ...must be just a nyothingburger right

It is so fucking bad to day in Reno. You think you get away and its worse here than Socal

Onye man could shut d-d-down an entiwe majow airport fow days u-using a few bullets in minyecwaft.

Is i-it just me or awe there a lot more twaiws nyow!!11 *twerks* I wowk outside and nyotice thewe’s a-awmost always at least 4-5 at a time, even though there awen’t many aiwpwanyes

Took this yestewday

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You dumped t-t-the only giww you've k-knyown that had a cwue.

That, I think, would be something different; something far more interesting.

I could see how magnetic fields could cause clouds to form into clusters.

Condensation dissipates quickwy, you c-can see contwaiws disappeaw quickly behind n-nyowmaw aiwcwaft whiwe c-chem twaiws wingew and spwead out. Also fuck you

Yep. They awe ramping i-it up. They spway my nyeighborhood evewy singwe day.

The heavy metals are sprayed in the chemtrails and make the clouds more conductive.
They can cause heavy rain, drought and tornados.
People have reported in the orgonite community for years that orgonite helps dissipate the unnatural HAARP clouds, and chemtrails.

Condensation would dissipate within 30 seconds. Especially in the desert of Arizona these chemtrails will last for hours, when it's 100+ degrees and extremely dry.

user I have reason to believe these are military craft. You won't find them at your local airport, rather your local military base.

I too have noticed an increase in their spraying. What are these shiesters up to now?

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