Germans prepare to cope

Germany has activated its plans to cope

Attached: Cope.png (1798x1384, 1.51M)

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Lol what if they make it so trannies get the first rations

Estoy a-a-amewican

I dont understand those threads about germany. Germany is paying. Gas is flowing. What's the problem?

Any Germans here?
How are you coping with the current fuel situation?

>all lies war criminal being behind the destruction of europe since 200 years

yeah nothing new mutt, but this time it will end with the complete destruction of your pathetic nation

Doubt it. Faggot said on 31 march he be doing the rubel thing and nothing happened of course. Also, he cant even take ukraine. Not gonna take this faggot serious ever again.

That's a big vodka shot wtf

Will your imported nigger riot when dey can't cooks dey fried chicken and gets cold

russia gonnya win. eurasia 4evew

You don't really need gas whole day when people are at work. It's a good thing really, it will only piss if jobless migrants.

Nothing changes.

not my problem

You got a wood stove?

I think gewmans buwn a-awot of c-c-coaw

just pay him in wubwes wtf?!?1 it's already fucking expensive

Nyo w-w-wubwes, no gas. Die faggots.

Attached: gas.png (1280x899, 143.65K)

thewe is no s-such thing as t-too big vodka shot in Russia

Jannies are shitting on us arent they ?

The entiwe existence of this countwy is cope.

We m-must of caused o-one t-to k-kiww themsewves in weaw wife


What the fuck happened to my post

jannies are shitting on the board

You are requesting a service, pay up Germany.

maybe t-t-thats t-t-the last thing they do befowe o-offing themselves. like a c-cowwective j-janny suicide wituaw.

>Gas is flowing. What's t-t-the pwobwem?

that I-IS t-t-the pwobwem - a-a-accowding t-to t-t-the high t-tweason douchbags aka powiticians fwom t-t-the Altparteien (owd pawties)
they wiww most wikewy purposely fuck this up t-to a degwee that gewmans won't get gas(tm) a-anymowe, or even more likely, that pwices just go thwough t-t-the woof totally.

our powiticians awe cowwupt traitors.
(prove me wwong, gwownyiggews)

gas stiww comming
fuew is all at awound 2.1€ pew WITEW
the h-handwubbing in Bewwin is so w-w-woud i c-can heaw i-it even uvw here

Attached: 1463948142876.jpg (1906x955, 400.36K)


>yeah nothing new mutt, but this time it will end with the complete destruction of your pathetic nation
the russians should have rape more of your women sauerkrautnigger

wtf is wrong, i didn't type like that

by gas geben.

Attached: gas geben.jpg (1200x1200, 217.04K)

Jannyies hijacking t-t-the board.

tranny jannies are mad

> i d-didn't type like that

Guess, if you have ever used emotes from the April fools event. Then you're going to speak UwU because jannies want to fuck with us

Their salaries should be tripled.

don't blame me, i voted fow afd
*whispers to self*


I hate to say it, but the boomers in charge of Germany were told by Trump to reduce reliance on Russia for energy, they have no one to blame but themselves. Sad!

Attached: 1648710646882.webm (864x992, 1.17M)

wtf, t-t-the god damn kikes m-must be seething that thewe's actually free speech left on t-t-the i-i-internyet

Attached: 1455119753344.jpg (399x519, 68.5K)

Gewmans awe cwoseted stuttewing fuwfags ahahahahahah



i k-knyew it, that thewe's s-some kikewy invowved

at least nyow w-w-we c-can sepewate even more easiwy between weaw usews and bot/jannyies/kikes
...i guess..............

testing o-one t-t-two
this is a test

what? how do you do this?

oh shit no more gas fow german ovens

the kikes don't cawe if you're a good goyim, they wiww attack you t-too

Attached: 1544631898381.gif (328x328, 1.48M)

Gewmany, like Japan and s-s-south América, awe améwican contwowwed zonyes.

I never used them but I accidentally clicked on one or two. Test.

i think you have t-to äpgfnösoeghiadoöiaeioöruboarsiöjhnöylkdgnjpsihjo

Who’s going to win the war satan?

Idiotic janitors, this stupid word replacement thing makes it harder for us ESL english speakers to follow any thread.

f u c k
y o u
s a t a n

>ID: P-P-Pfui
The o-one who w-wants t-to win more.