Nazis are against people being non-binary

>nazis are against people being non-binary
>meanwhile the German language has gendered nouns for male, female, and neutral
How do you guys deal with this?

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who cares

kill yourself

i dont give a fuck. i am here just to make jokes about kikes and germans

The fuck is a non binary, are we talking about celestial objects or what

nah he shouldn't

suicide is the second worst thing you can do to yourself

How do you cope with this groomer

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300 iq based florida guy

>male, female
It's called "sex", now fuck off with your gender politics

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Language gender has nothing to do with physical gender you fucking moron.


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Based rusky

>the chair has a male or female gender
>this obviously means we should cut our dicks off to sit
Allright bruh

t. Dr. John Money

Explain the difference between waiter and waitress

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dude fuck you

science is a kike bullshit. scientistst = jew dogs

We call men waiters and females waitresses, incidentally. Even inanimate objects like chairs and cups have genders in many languages.


based 200 iq

We use neutral for objects like a lynched troon. Also, you will never be a woman.

well if its not based on biology then what is it based on then?

You sir are correct.
That's a fallacy, for exmple "leaf" (hoja) in spanish has a female gender, that doesn't mean that it has a vagina or that it identifies it self as a woman. Retard

Nyot suwe if sewious but if you awe then you awe a fucking retard

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