What's the difference between God and other imaginary friends?

What's the difference between God and other imaginary friends?

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The irony of Christianity is that Jesus himself was a Jew, so the hatred of Jews from Christians is basically oxy-moronic.

The reality of His words.

John 14:19 “In a little while the world will see Me no longer, but you will see Me. Because I live, you will live too.
John 14:20 In that day you will know that I am in My Father, you are in Me, and I am in you.
John 14:21 The one who has My commands and keeps them is the one who loves Me. And the one who loves Me will be loved by My Father. I also will love him and will reveal Myself to him.”

>i will forever live inside your head

At least you believe in the existence of the soul. What do you believe happens after death?

these verses are so refreshing....

i love God

This was typed by degenerate hands.

The difference is that God is real.

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>The irony of Christianity is that Jesus himself was a Jew, so the hatred of Jews from Christians is basically oxy-moronic.

There actually isn't much irony at all. The implication is that God came down to free the slaves of egypt and formed a covenant with Jacob. Within that covenant was the agreement that his people (the people of Abraham) would sacrifice their own sexual pleasure in exchange for God promising them a kingdom on earth that is like heaven for them to inherit and that they could take refuge in him.

Where the anger and conflict comes from is Christians saying that the covenant is for those who follow the commandments and do as Christ said i.e. circumcision of the heart (to renounce desires and sexual gratification for a higher purpose to become part of the covenant) while Jews claim that the covenant is simply a blood covenant where if they are born into a relation to Jacob or Abraham they automatically inherit the kingdom because they were simply chosen.

That is my understanding, this is what the whole whole Jesus thing was about. Jesus comes to the Pharisees and points out that they are not actually doing good, that they are not keeping the commandments because the point of the law was for them to be kind to people and be good, and instead of doing that they had become wicked people who were simply lusting after social status, money and gratification and masquerading as holy men and teachers and simultaneously secretly praying to the pagan gods for material wealth and social position.

They then killed him, their point being that if god had chosen him, he would have sparred him. And Christ's point was that your flesh is not what matters, if you gain everything in the world but change yourself from a good person to cancer then what have you truly profited? If you are unhappy and unfulfilled in material and sexual and social gratification then what's the point? Is not joy and friendship and fulfillment what you're truly searching for?

>At least you believe in the existence of the soul
Well not really, desu.
>What do you believe happens after death?
Your brain ceases to function.

You must living the only life you believe you are given to the fullest because you're full of hope in it. I found my hope in Christ.

"A God who makes no demands is the functional equivalent of a God that does not exist" --David Christoferson

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The thing is that you don't actually get another life by believing in some stories.

Jesus was a real man.

God must exist because there cannot be an infinite regress of causes, and so there must be a cause/origin of all the other causes that was itself uncaused.

Jesus ended Judaism. Christians don't hate Jews, they just hate Hollywood trash and you should too

The difference? Jesus actually existed.

No, he did not. Jesus fulfilled/completed the purpose of Judaism, which was the incarnation of God (the Messiah). What we call Judaism today, properly called Rabbinic Judaism, is a corruption/error by the Pharisees who rejected Jesus the Messiah.

>God must exist because there cannot be an infinite regress of causes, and so there must be a cause/origin of all the other causes that was itself uncaused.
I don't really find it the least bit compelling when people decide that the cause in question was in fact their favourite headmate.

in that you're correct

James 12:9-10

Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble

.But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?

Whatever begins to exist has a cause.
The universe began to exist.
Therefore, the universe has a cause.
Nothing causes itself.
Therefore, something other than the universe caused it to begin to exist.
However, there cannot be an infinite regress of causes.
Therefore, there must be an "uncaused cause" that was the cause of all other causes, including the universe, or multiverse if you prefer.
This uncaused cause is what men call God.

Ignore this typo.

The caveat is that God did not begin to exist, since he is timeless.

kill yourself

God asks you to put the baby in the microwave. Other imaginary friends wont do that.

God is mind, and the contents of the mind are the Gods and friends.

God hates niggers while Thanos is
Is retarded

>The caveat is that God did not begin to exist,
That's the exact same characteristic of all other non-existent things, too.

>This uncaused cause is what men call God.
I think you'll find that people have very specific descriptions for God or gods that go well beyond that you just listed.

The difference is that we all have the same imaginary friend and therefore we understand each other
Remainder that the word religion = religare = link people to each other
Stop trying to overthink christianism, it's just the communautarism white need in europe. End of story. Without it people don't have a frame of reference, they are just lost and alone.
You can't be promoting a strong white europe without being yourself a christian.
Because communautarim is all we got.
You don't have to have faith, you just need to be part of a group outside internet. That's how we win

It's a valid philosophical argument, and it is consistent with our understanding of science. What alternative do you propose, or how do you answer the cosmological question?

I am arguing for basic theism at this point.

>Jesus was a real man.
Pinocchio was a real boy, too.

>God must exist because there cannot be an infinite regress of causes,
Fabricating an irrational supernatural being to stop all lines of scientific inquiry is intellectual cheating. Religious retards are far too cognitively stunted to realize this.

Jesus was indeed a real man. This is not up for debate historically speaking. That he was baptized and crucified are virtually universally agreed upon by scholars. What is debated are the details of his life and, of course, if he was who he claimed to be, God incarnate.

>a God that does not exist

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