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usa was dead decades ago
its just an economic zone for elites to extract money from the peons who still live there

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Interests rates go up. Housing prices go down. Gotta prop demand up somehow Desu. Once you know, it cannot be unseen

we got some organ harvesting to do if we are going to pay off china.

We have a lot of catching up to do to get white replacement back on schedule after the COVID disruption.

hahahahahah all the spic children that are going to magically disappear while crossing

finally mi espousa can enter the land of oportunidad

gracias joe biden, gracias!

All these shit paying jobs that paid shit and haven't increased salary for the 20% inflation need somebody to work them. If American big business won't raise salaries and wages for Americans, they'll import cheap labor to do it illegally with American government support and protection.

Only in the US will people on welfare have a gardener and a maid.

I don't get the conflict between american and mexico
Do mutts just hate that someone with a culture comes over?
Is this how the indians felt when settlers arrived, jealousy mixed with hate/fear of the unknown?
You two share a skin colour, can y'all not start another brotherwar please?

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I'm gonna have to buy more ammo.

The burgers are gonna hurt soooo bad when the petrodollar comes to an end. They have no idea.

The coming world war is better fought with illegals anyway.

Dems need voters, this is why they are trying to get illegals voting rights across the USA, they will use them to vote in Cali though

kek it is over for you remain in mexico is dead cause biden is can't stop fuckign Mexico's sovereignty and poozing it with global homo and green memes. Trump gave Mexico political leverage by making us the DAM.

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Elections are bullshit and votes are manuipulatable. So why they doing this?

Fuck cumskin subhumans
America is hispanic clay

You realize Joe Biden can pardon all of them at any time and they will ALL be able to vote for him right?




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Wanna know how I know you've never been to Mexico or met Mexicans?

>America is hispanic clay
That's the problem. Every other race will think that America belongs to them too which is why future America will be nothing but a festival of bloodshed.

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Uhh burgerbros?

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Destroy the bipocs chances at entry level jobs!


But my friend can't get his leafwife over here cause of financial red tape

Crashing the USA with no survivors how is this a shock to you?

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Just let them all in, I'm tired of fighting it. Let the white liberals get bred out of existence.

It's all natural selection vato

Gringos stole hispanic clay thinking they will have no problem anglofying and subverting hispanic peoples on it, turns out, they prefer hispanic culture!


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See Only morons ever thought this was a Dem supported problem for new voters, Repubs support it just as much to keep labor wages low and corporate profits high

>no free travel between anglo country residents
>fuck it let all the illegal immigrants in
what did they mean by this?

child trafficking

Kill Biden and anyone working for him.
>usa was dead decades ago
Yes. Promote revolutionary activity and the death of Jewish Supremacy.

Sounds kino

Attached: 024 JOE BIDEN.jpg (750x1050, 436.69K)

New workers.
New customers.

Capitalism at any cost. We are doomed.

When globohomo dies, I want to take two Americans as slaves

They will regret being only 50% white.

I have 6,000 rounds of 5.56 for this particular part.

Choose two, Ivan.

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American zoomers don’t want to work, so we have to do something.

>kill the gringo
The greatest thing in life for non whites is to live among whites. We are the master race. Its like Frodo going to live with the Elves.

You say this like it’s a joke but it’s true. They are creating a new second class citizen. From this new second class, a new, brown 1st class citizen will emerge.

>American zoomers don’t want to work, so we have to do something.
Be revolutionaries and work toward the death of the ruling class kikes.

>You say this like it’s a joke but it’s true. They are creating a new second class citizen. From this new second class, a new, brown 1st class citizen will emerge.
Maybe. Be a revolutionary if you are white.

>America will be nothing but a festival of bloodshed.
It always has been

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The border has been open. It never closed. Citizenship isn't even a real requirment for anything anymore. This country isn't even fucking real. Its just a giant block of land dedicated to jewish economics and you come here to eat the dropped bread crumbs, become a degenerate, and don't breed. That's all that "America" is.

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Its not our our fault white women prefer brown dick, and brown dick like pink pussy, Mexican Machizmo is a chud!

and that's a good thing

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If there is one thing that non whites do well, its hogging all the white trash pussy and thinking they are living in heaven. lol.


Can I get a quick rundown on that guy?

At this point just remove the immigration laws already. Let the empire collapse and the states fight for themselves

>America is hispanic clay

Imagine thinking you can kill the goose (white people) and continue to get the golden eggs (innovation, productivity, wealth and prosperity made possible by said white people)

hint: America is no longer "America" without white people.

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Oh, then you have no problem with us dropping 150 million mexicans onto your country? Thanks for taking the burden Austria. No take backsies.

They want whites gone.

You know exactly what they meant.

Doesn’t make sense, anyone can get their wife here. That user should check what she’s “doing” up there…

Seen this mentioned a few times, wtf does “open” mean?

Democrats voted for this.
They are GARBAGE and I tell them so in no uncertain terms.
Feels good.

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Sounds neat.