Pajeet Movie Producer Enraged at Chris Rock for Calling Him White

Getting called white in 2022 America is an insult, but whites are also privilege and deserve discrimination in employment, school admissions, constant attacks socially, etc. Really makes you think!

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Eveything is rigged in favour of white people
>Oi fuck you don't lump me in with them otherwise my achievements go unnoticed!

as revenge american whites (what's left of them) should call themselves pajeets

There's nothing else to even say

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erik griffin

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Should've called him Apu.

Everyone is white to a nigger

Its been going on for a long time.
In 2010 Jessica Alba was roasted for LARPing as a brown Hispanic.
Other examples I can think of is Christina Aguilera.
And Ariana Grande.
She grifts as Hispanic because normies see the word Grande in a Taco Bell menue.

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I fucking loved Montez

>13% prairie nigger
And still whites can see she not European but a mutt.

why is chris so hostile to his fellow black man

Yeah, that's what non-White genes do.

wtf where does the top image come from plz?

I don't know.
Maybe its from an ancient creek shit post on the side of some temple.

Why would he be offended at being perceived as white? Isn't been perceived as white supposed to be a privilege that grants all kinds of societal advantages?

hello fellow white bros, got any sisters i can knock up as a fellow white ?
we do need to create more white people am I right ?

>Raised up hating whites and feeling inferior
>simps and cucks expect you to love whites


Play nigger games. Win nigger prizes

oscar goes to Indian more important than oscar goes to white - like Indians are unimportant for the nigger to even clearly articulate it

This. It has nothing to do with hating whites, South Asians are largely irrelevant in Hollywood.

What's wrong with niggers if you don't have shit colored skin and huge monkey lips your white

>if you don't have shit colored skin and huge monkey lips your white
That's not how genetics work and judging by the world it shows that you don't need DNA test to know when someone isn't supposed to be in your group.
It's the uncanny valley effect but in terms of race, you just don't look right no matter how close you think you do.