How to fix birth rate problem?

All white countries are now below the replacement level of 2.1. What reforms could be instituted to remedy this issue and get it up to something like 4 or 5? I'm thinking the government could provide housewives who have children a monthly salary to treat it more like a career and thus make it a more desirable alternative to women in place of pursuing a regular job.

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Better marriage allowance. Shiny medals for mothers having kids.

better housing & property access, financial incentives for high-iq & middle class people to have big families

Yes but how actually? One sounds like a NAZI to the normie if i say "women should receive large payment for making children". People now simply believe in "women should do what feels natural" ...

oh and also limit the vote to 1 per family & only to families who have at least 1 kid

It's both an economic problem and a societal problem. I think you would see a rise if we
>banned abortion
>banned immigration (less people = higher wages)
>banned couples from owning multiple houses
>converted more land into apartments
This should cause people to get paid more while paying less for homes. The big one is this though
>ban women from working
obviously will never happen in our lifetime but it's the main reason why wages are low, housing is high, and no one has the money or the time to raise a child.

It probably wouldn't solve much, unfortunately. The overwhelming amount of women would still prefer to work on their careers rather than be housewives for men they deem undesirable. The bottleneck in the system is the tiny number of men who are able to reproduce. The only option at this point is Chad polygamy.

Heavy taxes to all buisnes that employ women.
You wan't her to waste her time in the shop instead of far more important task of creating new people you pay up.
The taxes go to support women who rise kids.

Universal Basic Income.. But only for parents raising children.

Only the poorest people in society will care about this. Shaniqua will have a new child every 9 months because of child support laws meanwhile white women do not care about a few extra scraps. If your law was a large economic incentive then the economy would collapse due to how much money would be given away. Throwing money at problems has never solved anything.

may add extra voot for a family with 3+ children but none if unmarried

Create AI companions who can reproduce, let them take over once biological humans die out.

It's better that way, nature is a shit.

the leadership doesn't see it as a problem

It's not a matter of money. It's a matter of nihilism and lack of faith and interest in the future.

If the country has a good school system, (and that is it's own problem) parents should get paid if their kids get good grades. That way you promote having kids but not just pumping them out without taking care of them. And they should be paid enough for a parent to stay at home.

take away women’s rights, all of them.

how much for the cutie in violet? :TooLewd:

Yeah we do that and then the US pays them to move there.

this is correct. We are doomed.

make sex outside marriage illegal, get rid of child support laws entirely.

Halt immigration.

If the immigration ponzi scheme stopped operating it would force society to take the problem seriously.

The issue has been manifesting itself for years. We all know there is something wrong.

Having a homogenous cohesive society like Japan is forbidden thought in this country but no one voted for these changes we simply had to accept them because we need the labour of brown people. Any dissent is written off as racism.

This is all the fault of modern women rejecting the reproductive role nature intended for them.

Give me subsidies for being married and increase them with every extra kid or just remove VAT from all my transactions (for the sake of kids, ofc) :^)

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