Women dont belong in the workforce

Why do we still allow them to work? They are weak,emotional, unstable and basically 8 year olds in adult bodies. Im about to quit my job over it. I work in a factory. I am on three people crews to do the job, usually have a woman on the crew. They want to take long breaks, extra breaks, play on their phone instead of working, complain about everything. I hate them. Why do we allow this

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just be yourself, bro


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if i do that id probably get fired. I want to yell at them just about every day. They do as little as possible while complaining how no one else does anything right. Or rambles on about their shitty kids which no one cares about

Imagine having a job lmao

kek based trannies making femoids seethe

To bring down the wages. Imagine if one salary was enough to raise a family and workers were expensive!

I have quit dozens of factory jobs over not being able to convince the manager to make these women FUCKING WORK. I did manage once to maneuver the dynamics in a warehouse to corner a woman into having to work for a few hours. It was a rare sight. I'll never forget the primal hatred in her eyes for me when she had to squat and work equally as all the men. I hope I get the chance to bash her face in with a gritty rock, god forgive me

I'm going to quit this one, There are women everywhere though

>I have quit dozens of factory jobs over not being able to convince the manager to make these women FUCKING WORK
It sucks, we always have to pander to them
>well we cant put her here (too fast or heavy, even though the job requires you to be able to lift i think its either 30 or 50 pounds, i dont remember, they wont lift either)
>or "she doesnt get along with this person
>make sure you "help" her aka do her job for her so she doesnt bitch

>Won't stop fighting.


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By moving women from homemaking to the workforce the price of labour drops as there are more people competing for jobs, secondly, birthrates collapse, which in turn means migration, which collapses labor price, even more, destroys national homogony creates distrust and tribal-easy to control mentality, creates a gov reliant population that will vote to increase the gov authority, which will then remove authority from the national state and transfer it to globohomo, with a constant stream of migration race-mixing will insure a 89iq mutt cattle population
Moving women to the workforce is the key of judahs destorction of the world.

We need more mediocre men competing in women’s sports. Tennis, golf, swimming, triathlon, football etc.

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Clean it up wagie


Not stolen.
>Given away by your voting choices.

After 12 years working in the corporate wasteland I can tell you this is factually correct. I wanted to believe women could fit in the workplace with men but the truth is:
Women are always the first to start shit in the office. They love to gossip and it almost seems like they feel obligated to do it.
They are the first to take offense at any rude joke or casual prodding comment. Men will laugh it off but women take it personal. They will make everyone else as miserable as they are. The butthurt never ends.
They love to spar verbally so much it's like they live for it. Men will spend 4 hours talking about golf, or fishing, or football or whatever. Women will spend 4 hours verbally bashing each other and love every minute of it. The only upside to this is that they reserve the worst of it for each other.
Take a work problem to a male co-worker and they will usually give you a carefully considered answer on how to best solve the problem. Take the same problem to a woman coworker and she will be incredulous that you want her to do something outside of her daily routine. "That's not my job."
They're obsessed with titles, privileges, promotions, parking spaces, office attire, etc.
They usually suck at their job.
I love women but it's truly a punishment to try and work with them. Spending time with women is many things but never productive.

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Based paprika sister.

I had that happen the other day, which is really puahing me to quit
>working on machine with old wore out woman
>she shouldnt really be there but the company is so desperate for people they will literally hire anyone
>she is struggling to do the job
>supervisor seitches her out with younger woman (28-29) who has been there a year or so
>she immediately starts complaining about how its not fair to put her there(the machine she had been on was down and she was enjoying doing nothing)
>goes on basically a two hour non stop rant about it
>later goes to upper management and continues to complain

A man would have just done the job and went home,

Lets Go Lia
Dkwn with Reka

>They are weak,emotional, unstable

And yet they are stronger than the Elliott Rodgers youth lurking these parts

Sounds like she should report you

They like the paycheck, the job title, giving orders, acting important and being an "empowered woman". The only thing they don't like it is doing actual work.

That's actually based though, when you think about it.

until society collapses and hoards of women die because men are more concerned with not dying themselves than pandering to some pouty whining whore

Why, it's not like having actual leadership ability. It's more like hens establishing a pecking order.

Men will always choose pandering to pouty whining whores over not dying.