“Nooo you cant just not have a baby you don’t want!!”

“Nooo you cant just not have a baby you don’t want!!”

Attached: 9F05ED0C-6CA6-497C-A60E-499789BCAE7E.jpg (2022x1559, 412.98K)

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That's why we have contraceptives, any woman who has a baby they didn't plan for is probably a dumb ho


cry more their body their choice

they can do whatever they want with it it’s hers, isn’t that the same argument you use for god abusing humans?

Sex is not recreation faggot.

Def a mossad post.

Yes. It's powerful when BIPOC get abortions. Privileged white women should be forbidden from having abortions for equity.


Attached: pfg.png (911x642, 44.56K)

You are fucking sick in the head cunt

too bad it was a white baby chud

If you zoom in on the face of that crushed skull child. It seems like there are tears?
Am I just imagining things?

“omg abortion is worse than slavery!!” chuds are so stupid

Abortion is based.
You kill most Mulattos and niggers before they are even born. Best legal tool to practice eugenics.

Attached: 1644193960409.webm (540x960, 1.39M)

Who cares i a mother literally shouldn’t have to take care of a child for life so something that barely even knows what life is doesn’t suffer for two seconds

How can we spread this

Jus for you, I’m gonna personally get pregnant just so i can do this too. Kind of a tribute to fucking over the white male patriarchy

Okay so I guess for the rest of april this goddamn photo is going to be posted 876643674747 a day. Great.

I know you hate us. I don't lose sleep over it. I'd prefer you be more honest.

i’m always honest about it chud ;) ;*

You are a deadset fuckhead, fucking mentally ill freak

Plebbit, twatter, chink tok. 99% of their users have an IQ of room temp

aw somebody’s squeamish, don’t worry your little conservative heart. This is gonna be legalized wether you like it or not you fascist dinosaur

Why is Chud against abortion? Chud would be pro abortion because muh niggers

Yeah. I'm openly anti-semitic and it's spreading among friends and family ;)
My dick isn't the only thing growing.

Attached: 4921CF07-603C-45A9-A234-929E8277CD88.jpg (916x1024, 154.99K)

They really spend that much time spamming the same meme? That meme is the universal "you're about to hear the worst cringe of your life" signal.

What do you mean you don't support the pre-emptive genocide of liberals, niggers, whore-spawn, the poor and generally those of low-caste origins? God bless abortion, God bless the sterile holes that exist for our entertainment and know their place in the reproductive hierarchy.

Next time I take a baseball bat to a pregnant woman's stomach I'll tell her to suck it up lol just a cluster of cells cope.
At least the left is being honest about liking dead baby images. You guys get more pedophilic by the hour.

Just sayin. Looks like tears. It’s not a nigger baby soooo... this is a big loss.

Meh. Rather than killing babies society ought to just be battering women and putting them in their place. Why hurt innocent children when you can knock around vile harpy’s into submission to the bidding of the more sophisticated, honorable gender so that society can thrive and grow into a space faring civilization?

so you’re dick is growing looking at this image of a dead baby? I mean i knew christian’s were pedos but..