Mitt Romney says it's time to cut retirement benefits for young Americans

He is right.

Romney is being the adult in the room, sometimes that means telling people the hard truths that they don't want to hear. Look I'm no fan of Romney either, but if we don't tighten our belts now then the Shining City on a Hill won't look so bright for future generations.

>Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah suggested that he'd favor cutting retirement benefits for younger Americans in a bid to stabilize safety net programs.

>"If we're ever going to get a handle on our debt, we're gonna have to find a way to either increase revenue, which I don't favor, or find a way to adjust our long-term benefits not for current retirees," he said at a Senate Budget Committee hearing on Wednesday, seemingly ruling out any tax hikes.

>"But for younger people coming along, we got to be able to find a way to balance these programs or we're gonna find ourselves in a heap of trouble," he said. He didn't specify which programs, but a pair of safety-net programs that provide benefits to retirees include Social Security and Medicare.

>...Those programs make up around 41% of the government's budget and form a perennial target for conservatives seeking to rein in federal spending.

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Now we see why they passed that law banning lynching.

Imagine if we hadn't let in all those bums in the first place, in a poorly advised effort to shore up social security. Now we have to pay for their geezerdom years too.

I'm cool with it too if they stop taking social security and Medicaid tax out right now and repay what I've put in it already


>they take away your pension
>they make laws where you leave the country and operate in Bermuda you don't gotta pay US workers pensions.
>now they are coming after your 401k and SS

kek America is all about screw over the worker.

this is what I don't understand about immigration it looks at a rough headcount from NOVA we let in about a billion third world elderly

>About to
Hahaha Mexico-fren. Be sure to stay in Mexico.

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retirement benefits are what people have paid into, while what should be cut are welfare and foreign "aid."

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How about we kill all of the boomers instead

Do boomers have no shame living like kings past their expiration time and leaving their kin to a life of misery. I'd unironically go out of my way to live through hell if it means my kids have a good life. Sick twisted people, how many more gibs do they want before they wither away?

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I don't see myself retiring or getting anything for free, I figure I will be hustling until I keel over from clogged arteries from my fast food diet at 50, unfortunately that means I will live to see this shithole become even more niggerfied than it already is.

So if they are cutting retirement benefits does that mean you don't have to pay into them anymore?

Ken Doll never ever suggests the government stop being so fucking bloated and wasteful and corrupt. None of them do. Believe any politician is a public servant.

no refunds

bois things are getting better. wtf is happening?

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The hoarded assets of the LDS church could COMPLETELY pay off the national debt

Boomers and even early gen xers are horrible disgusting subhumans and I cant wait until theyre all fucking dead.

Let me keep 100% of my paycheck

I see nothing wrong with this. Retirement plans are a scam. You'd be better off gambling on scams yourself like Bitcoin or meme stocks.

This. I'm so tired of losing 30% of my paycheck for shit I'll never see to prop up retards who got to enjoy some of the best days of America.

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It was coming sooner or later. I don't work with a single person who thinks they will be entitled to social security when they get old.

>>...Those programs make up around 41% of the government's budget and form a perennial target for conservatives seeking to rein in federal spending.
Do we really waste that much money on keeping the Boomers alive? Holy fuck God just kill those demonic leeches already. Strike those sinners dead.

mittens had some personal reason as well

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We are doing it right now. I'm suffering through circumstances my parents never had to deal with, all to hopefully make my kids' life a little bit better in ten or fifteen years. My parents never sacrificed for me, and that's all I do for my kids

This. There's an easy way to remedy it all. Just stop giving all of our money away to lesser countries.

go fuck yourself, he should live without before he imposes this thought pollution on others. though he's baine capital so he's just true evil anyways.
>op is nigger

>votes to give trillions to isreali kikes
>votes to give billions to african niggers
fuck that piece of shit

Covid was a first swing. It only killed 4 percent of boomers who caught it. Fauci will get better. By the end he'll have it figured out.

A Republican, a kike, and a child molester walk into a bar.
He orders a beer.

>So if they are cutting retirement benefits does that mean you don't have to pay into them anymore?
No the opposite they'll tax us more our parents and grandparents spent the surplus of SS now they're using the money we are paying in that is supposed to be for our retirement now well have nothing and be happy I swear to God I'll be 100 years old and forced to work while my 130 year old parents and 160 year old grandparents will enjoy their retirement

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I am going to play minecraft


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Don't forget another 20% on social programs
Then there's the 15% to defense which is just contractors getting paid to sit on their asses. A fucking SR-71 costed less than half of a modern F-35
I don't think a dime of the dollar I pay for taxes actually comes back to me

They have already stolen everything. Let it burn