Economy is improving rapidly

Gas prices are coming down quickly
American world leadership has returned
Pandemic defeated
Everything is returning to...well better than ever
How are Republicans going to sell themselves in the Fall when the Democrats have fixed the utter shitshow left behind the Trump administration?
So far their only announced plans are block federal legalization of marijuana, tax poor people more, and stop their wayward members from gossiping about their pedophile sex orgies.

Attached: joe-biden.jpg (2000x1333, 411.93K)

Inflation at 50 year high
Wages so far behind inflation that inflation is now the largest tax on your income
No end in sight

Never mind the communist fascist partnership between big tech, big pharma and the Biden admin.
America is back

I've lived in Texas my entire life and have never seen prices for every fucking thing this high.



A lot of crying about inflation from Republican shills but the American people are speaking with their wallet and buying services and products at a brisk clip. I thought yall liked the market economy?

I have some bad news for you user.
You've recently switched timelines

I'm so glad I voted for this guy!

Everything costs more than it ever has and people are more on edge now than they were at the peak of the pandemic.

Damn you, ivan

Your words do not reflect the reality on the ground, the news can say all they want to the contrary people can go down the street to the gas station and grocery store and see that the prices have stayed high.

Spamming this bullshit won't work. You are just shitting up the board. Take a hint and fuck off.

Attached: 1648617022332.jpg (1824x1014, 545.29K)

Its expensive as fuck. It was cheaper under Trump

Attached: OKGROOMER.png (513x752, 663.5K)

Any Forums really does have the worst shills, dont forget to sage

fuck off

Attached: KloINqB[1].gif (250x149, 484.96K)

? Gas is still high as fuck in my city

sage isn't a downvote

>Gas prices are coming down quickly

Kek no they're not. Just go to the gas station.

>American world leadership has returned
The petro-dollar is teeter oin the edge of a cliff, even the fucking saudis are talking about selling oil yuan, because you aren't helping them commit genocide hard enough.
>Everything is returning to...well better than ever
Utterly empty platitude.
>How are Republicans going to sell themselves in the Fall
They'll shut the fuck up and and let democrat failures speak for themselves, if they can hold in the retardation for that long.

Nobody is going to vote to save this country anymore. If I waste my time voting it will be for acceleration

You're trolling right?
Nobody can be this glaring retarded and still operate an iphone right?