Russians are killing civilians as bandits would

Actors laying dead in the street?
Ukrainians soldiers killing Ukrainian civilians?
What's the cope?

The reality is that Russia is not a professional military.
It's like it always has been.
Like it was 100 years ago, like it was in WW2, like it has been ever since.
They're not just shelling whole cities and towns, they're breaking down to the point of typical Russian shooting civilians.
They're not professionals, it's not in their blood to be. Nothing more than eastern Caravan Raiders. They can't manage the situation, and they start killing.

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You act like westerners are paragons of morality, the average soldier is a psycho specially people who signed up for iraq. Yet how easy is for you to sell histories of russian villainy and paint yourselves as virtuous warriors

It really pains me to see this. Ukrainians have done nothing to Russia. Why are they being killed like this?

This is clearly the Ukrainian nazi's doing.

Why would there be a dozen people out and about on this one street in the middle of a war?
Fake and homosexual

>Shoot the civilians.

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Russians are on another level entirely. You should read about the mass rapes they committed against the Germans during WWII era. Girls of 7 years old infected with gonorrhea. They entered the maternity wards at the hospitals, murdering children being born or about to be just to rape their mothers. On average each woman was raped 100 times.

Case point. Americans rape and kill a 14 yo and kill her family. Oh but the limey faggot will act so morally outraged and act so virtuous when his country follows its interests

Nothing but whataboutism.

No where in Iraq have NATO militaries engaged in deliberate killing of civilians nor heavy shelling of occupied urban areas.
Even Fallujah, after time was taken for all civilians to evacuate the city, the U.S military engaged in nothing like the shelling that is happening in many Ukrainians towns, let alone Mariupol.
The civilians casualties in the Mid East have been collateral.
If we're going to talk about the Mid East then more relevant is the Russian's indiscriminate firepower in Syria.

The heart of whataboutism is that it's a projection of hypocrisy.
It's a way of wanting to defend civilian deaths, because you realise you don't personally care, and your solution to this is whataboutism and to attack a strawman of that therefore those who dislike civilians dying... somehow... must have previously not cared about civilians dying, as you now find yourself to not actually care about civilians dying.

more whataboutism.
so pathetic.

Yeah and fire bombing tokyo, bombing two non military towns with nuclear bombs, the destruction of dresden, the rape of nanking those did not happen at all ? Soldiers are assholes everywhere. It should not be strange to find them doing heinous shit but westeners act like they are above it.

>done nothing
not saying war was best solution
but it hasnt been exactly nothing
been going on for 8 years

Attached: UNreport2017Casualties.png (565x804, 69.75K)

That's not a real word, faggot.

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The age of real European wars is returning. Yugoslavia was a small reminder, this will get worse than that.

>westerners are paragons of morality
never mind that no one said this - that in fact the westerners who dislike the war in ukraine rather are the very people who were so outspoken against militaries being in the mid east, but that's the big irony.

>Russian population don't care, support it, say it's all lies
>massive indiscriminate shelling and flattening of cities
>mass rape by russian military
>mass murder russian military

>NATO in Mid East
>Russian population don't care, didn't protest it, you didn't protest it.
>highly cautious military surrounded by insurgencies blending in with civilian population
>the westerners protested it.

the reality is that they ARE, aren't they?
it is the westerners who protested against wars in mid east, while you did nothing.
and now in urkaine it is the westerners who protests against war, while you just engage in whataboutism and strawmen.

>driving down ruined street with paid actors laying on the ground
>no blood
>no disfigured bodies
>nobody even missing clothing
>all their clothes are perfectly clean
>no enemy armor, soldiers, or supplies anywhere

seriously why do you faggots keep falling for this?

And nobody cared until putin invaded lol

its funny how arbitrarily people value life

>Whataboutism about WORLD WAR 2 lol
> fire bombing tokyo
a bombing
> bombing two non military towns with nuclear bombs
> the destruction of dresden
>Soldiers are assholes everywhere

strategic bombing was the tragedy of ww2, a different age, a conventional war between empires.
but in ww2 THE SOLDIERS who actually engaged in mass rape, mass murder, weren't western soldiers.

>the rape of nanking
interesting how you stop there

interesting you talk about western bombing, and japanese rape, but you have nothing to say about the red army raping and murdering its way across the continent.

the actual rape and murder by soldiers in ww2 was largely done by the red army, and not at all done by the west.

ukrainians killed all those civilians
screencap this

you can't even process the reality of that russian soldiers are just killing civilians.
>>no enemy armor, soldiers, or supplies anywhere
now you have to begin to come to terms with the savage caravan raiding mongol horde you've been defending.
it's just killing civilians.
it's not a professional military. they don't engage in warfare like we in the west think of it.

I don't care.
Just knowing that people are dying over there, regardless of details, makes me cum a fucking mess.

The united states starved iraq for years, and somehow you want to convince me that they were all kind when they bombed the shit out of iraq and no civilians died?

How is it whataboutism? it only becomes relevant when it is your polical enemies that do it. The UK sells weapons to dictatorships, saudi arabia is waging war against yemen. But with the same breath you will hear some sanctimonious faggot cry about putin and his gang.

There are no good guys there are only national interests. What are you gonna tell me next that the CIA has never done any evil deed? It works when you deal with tards with no history knowledge but I know yours and it is not what you pretend it is.

How many of the architects of the iraq war are in jail? None, some are even working for biden.

Whataboutism, also known as an objective comparison.

real life isnt a movie you sheltered retard. When people are shot they lose shoes rather easy and if they've been there any amount of time their clothes would be bloodstained or at least torn, from being fucking shot/blown up. This is clearly staged, just like that pregnant model, and the people running through the town square. Theres absolutely 0 indication that any of those people are dead.

>The united states starved iraq for years
no it didn't lol. NATO poured aid into Iraq.
and funny to imagine you meanwhile would spread propaganda of the soft loving russian soldiers in some video from the chechen tiktok soldiers handing out a few cardboard boxes with Z on it.
> they were all kind when they bombed the shit out of iraq
they didn't.
the west never did widespread shelling nor bombing of occupied urban areas in iraq.
i've already said that.
that's what RUSSIA DID IN SYRIA.
It's what Russia is doing in Ukraine.
NATO didn't ever do such a thing in mid east.
>How is it whataboutism? it only becomes relevant when it is your polical enemies that do it.
projection. it wasn't so relevant to you when NATO was invading, but it was relevant to westerners who went out and had the biggest demonstrations in history, who have countless big political movements pushing for war crimes tribunals.
they, the westerners, are the ones who were truly upset about NATO in the mid east, you don't care, just like you don't care about civilians dying in Ukraine, it's only politically useful to you.

it's just crocodile tears.
you don't give a fuck about iraqis who died, it's westerners who do.
you don't give a fuck about afghanis who died, it's westerners who do.
you don't give a fuck about syrians who died, it's westerners who do.
and you don't give a fuck about ukrainians dying, it's westerners who do.
it's just whataboutism.

There are no civilians in Ukraine. Ukraine is a terror state. Everybody in it is a valid target.

and there's the conspiracytard qtard tier cope.
you're a clown, the sort of clown who was freaking out in feb,march, even april, 2020 over some dumb chinese videos, like you've been wrong about everything else, like you've struglged to make senser of anything, yet you still kid yourself you're able to make sense of anything in the world.

big if true, certainly it never happened in any war during the entire lifespan of humanity. people never kill each other for shits and giggles, soldiers definitely don't take pictures with dead civilians posing. yawn
as much as i hate russians, the more the kill the fewer come to us. last time ive been to capital city i haven't seen one polish flag anywhere, but you could basically trip over this ukrainian cumrag they call a flag. let them win or lose already, i'm tired of this bullshit

You have an agenda to push. Where is your evidence for mass rapes? some daily mail testimony? If russians had the media power westerns do they could paint similar gruesome images. They kind of do with the nazi stuff which even being true falls on deaf hears since westerners are already very cautious of Russian talking points.
The people that published are going to jail. Ahh but when your guys do shitty things those are mistakes.
pure kindness

I remember reading stories about americans just shooting at afghans and putting guns next to them. Ahh and dont fortget abu dabi either.

Westeners can protest all they want but it doesnt change anything even the people that protested vietnam mainly did it for the draft.

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