The war on the white nuclear family is carried out by the family courts

The sexual revolution and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

The United States family court system is a cesspool of corrupt lawyers and unconstitutional rulings. You are held as guilty until proven innocent in almost every situation, all evidence is hear-say. It is literally a court with no crimes, only punishments. The children suffer more with every additional ruling. If you are a Christian like me, then you won't fight for custody. This means you will get screwed twice as hard. I did request visitation at one point, however these courts seem to hold to the idea that a child is entitled to his father's money, yet the father is not entitled to see his own child.

These court ordered "child support payments" go directly to the woman with no oversight. These payments make it a crime for me to become unemployed, yet, If I wasn't a father, I could qualify for "unemployment benefits" which is essentially "free money." How are these courts justified? How do we have courts with no crimes? These judges have the power to incarcerate citizens by creating a court order that turns being poor into a crime ("child support order/attorney fees") and then calling failure to pay these debts/obligations "evasion." These courts are worse than debtor's jails.

Is this why men celebrate being told "you are not the father" on Maury and Jerry Springer?

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I had no idea it was that bad. Didn't you find a nice Christian wife? What happened?

My fiance' and me had an argument and she moved into her mother's house with the infant, and then I received court notice in the mail.

She has since dodged court papers, used every peice of social media against me, and made it a crime for me to be within 1000 ft. of my own 4 year old whom I haven't seen in three and a half years. She has a protected address, which means these courts have made it illegal for me to be in geographical locations which they won't even tell me the location of.

Part of why she got so upset was I told her I didn't like her taking SSRIs.

It was red pill moment for me.
When i first separated my ex still has our child. She was able to quickly get a child support order (took her like 2 weeks). I had given her the car and moved out of the house etc, completely broke, lived with my mom, no car no job.
Child support order came in, they used the highest income i ever earned in my life as the basis. I was able to make payments for like two months before falling behind. after missing a second payment they issued notice saying my drivers license would be revoked and jailtime on the table after. I called, tried to explain my finacial situation, the child support enforcement agent literally LAUGHED at me and told me "i bet mcdonalds is hiring" and hung up on me.
Fast forward, my ex abandons my son to me full time.
It took almost six months, to get a child support order against her. And they "lost" the paperwork the first time and didnt bother telling me for 2 months.
When it finally came through, they assumed the LOWEST lifetime income for her, and gave her a $500 credit to buy herself health insurance. Overall came to like $180 a month she owed me. And she never paid a penny. And even after months (now years) of nonpayment, they have persued no enforcement actions against her. She even has her drivers license still. Early on i complained and they just ignored me and told me they couldnt do anything.
Child support 100% exists to punish men. Nothing more than that. They give no fucks about the children, thats just their cover.


There is no political solution to this. you will need to seek other avenues for solutions.
The brainwashing is not only complete, but ongoing in a 24/7 cycle that the brainwashed themselves perpetuate with their personal devices.
There is not a deprogrammer alive who can break the brainwashing without first removing the subject from the programming.
Might as well seek other avenues for solutions. Maybe start your own church or something so you can begin to deprogram all the marks in your area.

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>Didn't you find a nice Christian wife?

Christian women are usually advised to use every legal avenue available to them in the event of a separation. If your wife or fiance' (or girlfriend for that matter) is a Christian then you are likely to suffer far more in these courts than if she isn't one.

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>There is no political solution to this. you will need to seek other avenues for solutions.

I wish there was a Christian solution to braindead faggots like you

>they used the highest income i ever earned in my life as the basis.

This seems to be typical from what I have discovered. I was accused of being "purposefully underemployed." because I had to take whatever job I could get after the initial court proceedings.

It would have gone better for me had I never gone to school.

>a child support order against her.

This is immoral, and you shouldn't have sought one.

Nigger. My point was that in a church setting you remove the marks from their personal programming devices for a couple of hours and have their attention. You can bring issues of Justice and the lack thereof up in your "sermons".
It is (you) who are braindead here.
There is no political solution to this. Politicians are never going to remove a source of the Governments income which lines up directly with their values you absolute mongoloid.
I have given you a nonviolent nonpolitical avenue to explore, but your phone, tv, pc and xbox have you under their thumb.
Any Forums is a board of peace.
>and once upon a time it had lots of anons in it who could think
>not so many these days.

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Courts enable a vindictive mother's worst impulses. I've been going through it for almost four years now, it's hell. Fuck all that save the White race bullshit, I'd rather leave the world to self destruction and watch nature reclaim the ruins.

I hope this is a larp. if not I do not know much about family court how do you not have the right to face your accurser? If she dodged your court papers wound she served a bench warrant or even kidnapping charges it’s still your kid

>Fuck all that save the White race bullshit, I'd rather leave the world to self destruction and watch nature reclaim the ruins.

And people wonder why once men have an ex given legal rights to half of his income why men tend to seek sexual fulfillment outside of any traditional constraints. Once "she can only take half my shit" becomes understood, all women become the same.

No LARP. Entirely honest and true. Face my accuser? I haven't been accused of a crime, just being a father.

Accuse her of kidnapping? Why would I repay evil for evil? I already stated I am a Christian.

>Falling for the wife and kids game
Your mistake.

hi i have bridge in brooklyn to sell you barely used great shape

>These payments make it a crime for me to become unemployed
Shouldn't have knocked up a whore user.

This is why I took the foursomepill.

Enjoy life, this country is finished.

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Pretty much this. At this point there's more than enough info out there to warn guys, there's no excuse.

>Shouldn't have knocked up a whore user.

All women are advised to seek these orders, Christian or not. What is your definition of "whore?"

The "don't stick your dick in crazy" people should be gassed.

>What is your definition of "whore?"
All women.