Men prefer debt free virgins without tattoos

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tatoos are fuck ugly

no one cares

I do

Women prefer debt free virgins without tattoos.



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She'll get 50 messages within 15 minutes because men nowadays don't like virgins. Right?

Tattoos are a permanent physical expression of a woman's moral impurity. Who cares about debt though? Maybe if it's a massive amount of money but at that point there are probably going to be plenty of other red flags that come up first.

All of those will be for hookups

Unironically this as well, I have 0 tattoos. Yet those women seem to gravitate toward me. Debt free though yeah no. What can I say I like cars

Everyone likes virgins but the odds of you getting one that's both attractive and loyal is smaller than the odds of you winning the Power Ball.

>debt free

It's a weird feeling when they tattooed whore you thought was hot in your 20's looks like fucking shit and embarrassing to go out with in your 30's.

Or being eaten by a shark
While being struck the 3rd time by lightning
After having won the powerball

>Unironically this as well, I have 0 tattoos. Yet those women seem to gravitate toward me.
Same, I think it's because I'm 20 pounds overweight and remind them of their loser dads.

>physical expression of a woman's moral impurity
What the fuck have tattoos to do with moral impurity?
They certainly 'aint an expression of moral impurity.
You must either be stupid or ignorant to believe such clap-trap

This is exactly how women feel. An attractive, socially adept man who wants only you? Literally the dream. The male stars in romance movies are always virginal (think Jack from Titanic awkwardly laughing that he never having a relationship with a woman and blushing when Rose gets naked. Women love that shit). But the choice is 99% between a fat pimply creepy loser and a slutty fratboy, so they choose the one with the cuter face. Men want virgins, but tough luck getting one.

The difference is if men get their dream woman, they're usually content with her. If a woman gets her dream man, she's content with him for a few weeks or months. After that she's always on the prowl for a replacement that checks arbitrary boxes in her mind. I've known women who have thrown away attractive, successful men for actual criminals.

Dude no. Where did you hear this.

Ugly whores still get laid because chad gets drunk occasionally

What do you think women like better on men, tattoos or chest hair?

Hear? I've seen it happen. It's hard coded into a woman's DNA to be perpetually unsatisfied. Hell, I've heard of women in their sixties stepping out on their husbands of 30+ years.

I'm talking about women in particular. Purity is a feminine virtue. That doesn't mean it's a bad virtue for men to cultivate--I personally will never get tattooed--but it's more important for women.

Did he really need to shop some photos for that discovery? Sounds really weird. She’s a tattoo “artist” as well, so really into it. The guy should just move on.

What he is saying makes sense. 50% of marriages in the US end in divorce. Of those, 70-80% are initiated by women. They liked those men enough to marry then but not to stay.

Virgin girls want their first time to be good, they prefer a man who knows what he's doing.

Trips conf1rm (and living with women)

i remember the days when only sailors and criminals had tattoos. i'm only 33 lol

people are so easily manipulated it's unbelievable

Its called hypergamy
they see a guy that gives them the excitement they have lost when the honeymoon period ends. Then they go for that rush, only to feel regret a few years later when they realise they threw it away for temporary excitement. look at all the single 40 somethings story's out there, "where have all the good men gone?" They threw them away like trash. In the end the grass is always greener

Attached: I deserve a top tier man.jpg (338x600, 46.54K)

At this point a pig with lipstick is as low as I'd go...
Still can't get any.

Have you ever been on r/femaledatingstrategy? There. I'm hard pressed to believe you're a woman if you've never noticed all your friends getting bored with their new boyfriends at an astonishing rate

>women prefer virgins
lol no