Start drinking distilled water

Start drinking distilled water

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Distilled will drain all your mineral content

Funny how this is suddenly a problem worth mentioning now, after people are suffering from jab-related side effects

But I hear distilled lacks vitamins

Too much effort, the waterplant should be able to distill it

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>Start drinking distilled water
Why are you recommending suicide? Nigger retard
DO NOT think distilled water, drink filtered water that contains ions

Fucking kek πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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link please.

you get plenty of minerals with even a vaguely ok diet. shut the fuck up

Sent from my Google - Pixel 6

>american tap water
I'm good.

Drink distilled and eat a banana and some pretzels ezpz

>bro your minerals
>bro you have to take them
>please ignore the fact that there are alternative ways to get minerals without the plastic jew

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Youre a retard if you think youll just die from drinkin distilled water lmao

You copied that from me,
its missing 2,
I wont tell you which ones

It’s been a building problem for decades. We’ve just reached the point where the bioaccumulating has travelled far enough up the food chain to affect us. Getting my masters in environmental sciences & oceanography studying microplastics

It's a coincidence user, nothing else.
Remember to booooooooost !

>He drinks water for the vitamins

I was raised on a well and am never going to stop. Your "purified" water gives me reflux, it's unbearable.

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Yeah it's definitely not the hormones in the meat, or the ultra processed food with two year expiry dates.

ew why the fuck did that get added to my post wtf??

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>oh no microplastics
>better drink your water from a plastic bottle

>New York Post
New York City gets its water supply from hundreds of miles away using a centuries-old underground conduit made of decaying brick that is only held up by the outward pressure of the water inside. You guys have other problems.

phoneposting clown

>it's plastic causing you to feel ill, it's totally not the vaccine, btw get your 4th dose now!

How to leach all of the vitamins and minerals out of your body.

They corrupt everything.

Either you make a whole new planet to live on,

or you deal with it.

Most people, deal with it.

you're right user ignore the fags. before the turn of the 19th century people drank dirt in their water and had been for 1000s of years. People are getting sick because of manufactured everything.


They always knew about it, they just didn't care ($$$)
Now they're telling us the truth, but only because they need more things to cover for the VAXX side-effects

Already do

You are supposed to also eat food you dumb fucker.

>bro there's plastic in the water
>bro you have to boil your water bro
>please ignore the fact that distilled water literally leeches minerals from your body

>All these mineralposters

>>please ignore the fact that distilled water literally leeches minerals from your body
again, food solves this. Basic fucking diet solves this

I will not drink your slop, jew

Omg I love distilled water now

Absolute retards

But every time I try to eat a banana somebody calls me a cocksucker and I get embarrassed.
Help me out here.

I can't comprehend how stupid you are.

Please guys do not fall for the osmosis scam.

Pretty much. If you use distilled water you gotta re add the mineral's or it's just shit.

I have my own spring directly pressed from the mountain. Perfectly clean, filtered by arian rock for millions of years. My bong neighbors below have to drink the water that goes to a small pond first. They always complain how funny it tastes. Little do they know that i piss, throw snails that eat my lettuce and dump chemicals in there. Not even to mention how many rotten leafs and dead animals are inside. It is like the Ganges. Drink the waste Tea, stupid bong neighbors. Microplastics won't be your problem.

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this thread is sucking ass already. the rest of the thread will be nothing but arguing about distilled vs. filtered water.
fucking Any Forums is fucking useless.

hurr durr my fat stupid ass doesn't have a job and has time to sit on a physical desktop hurr fucking durr what even is a screwdriver or a family durrrr

Sent from my Google - Pixel 6

Eat an orange.
Red meat has plenty of potassium too


Hahaha phone fag!

distilled water needs the minerals added back though, or it will suck all the nutrients out of the flesh it comes in contact with (burns your tongue, throat, etc.)

this is fucked up whY THE FUCK IS THIS A THING

Sent from my Google - Pixel 6

Its april fools you absolute sperg just relax and dont post for a day lmao

Reverse osmosis filter Chad here

Sent from my Motorola- Flip

seethe harder phonefaggot

Honestly just read reactionary blogs like me. Most people are terminally retarded and open forums mostly draw from the bottom of the well. Every once in a while you get something worth reading, but by curating your own content you can get near 100% worth reading.
>I just come back because I'm addicted to the conflict

At first I thought it was just faggots joking
Now I think the poster who mentioned phone sigs wasn't lying
This can't be real

:grinsweat: :rofl: :lmao: :smile: :wink: :glad: :kiss: :crazy: :think: :wot: :kay: :yikes: :eyeroll: :confused: :pensive: :disgust: :vomit: :dizzy: :nerd: :worry: :sad: :frown: :wow: :blush: :cry: :plead: :baw: :shock: :anguish: :devil: :angry: :struggle: :proud: :smirk: :drool: :love: :skull: :alien: :clown: :robot: :ok: :fu: :thup: :thdown: :punch: :pray: :flex: :eyes: :drip: :BOOMER: :BOOBA: :AYAYAHyper: :AYAYA: :AWOOOO: :Aquacry: :AngryWojak: :zzz: :perfect: :anger: :clover: :fire: :wind: :Bruh: :Catcry: :ChadYes: :COPIUM: :DontBully: :EZY: :FeelsBadMan: :FeelsGoodMan: :FeelsOkayMan: :FeelsSpecialMan: :FeelsStrongMan: :FeelsWeirdMan: :gachiGASM: :monkaChrist: :MikuStare: :MeguminHappy: :MarisaFace: :KEKWait: :KEKW: :KannaPolice: :KannaNom: :HeavyBreathing: :Hahaa: :GoodNight: :Gigachad: :gachiHYPER: :monkaGIGA: :monkaH: :monkaHmm: :monkaMEGA: :monkaOMEGA: :monkaS: :monkaSpeed: :monkaW: :nepSmug: :OMEGALUL: :peepoBlanket: :peepoClown: :peepoHappy: :Pog: :PillowYes: :PillowNo: :pikachuS: :pepoRope: :pepePoint: :PepoG: :PepeLmao: :PepeLaugh: :PepeHands: :Pepega: :peepoWTF: :POGGERS: :Tuturu: :cockmongler: :longcata: :longcatb: :desu: :umaruCry: :PressF: :REEeee: :WanWan: :desusmirk: :moetron: :mudkip: :frodo: :WeirdChamp: :REEEEE: :ReimuGlare: :weSmart: :goldface: :shoopdw: :shoopdw2: :happycat: :wojakNPC: :ReimuPalm: :SadCatW: :wojakWithered: :happyn: :troll: :trollface: :jannydog: :WTFF: :Sadge: :SeetheWojak: :YEP: :koiwai: :yaranaika: :koiwaiwave: :YesHoney: :Stonks: :ThisIsFine: :bane: :konata: :longcat: :bog: :Thonk: :TooLewd: :cia: :longcat:

that there is a lot of shit

It tastes weird at first, but now it tastes normal and i cant drink tap water because of its taste. Does not kill your mouth and throat. Let it sit and cool to room temp for a bit before drinking it

That's deionized water you fucktard

Oh also as part of my research I’ve had to determine what the concentration of microplatics are in our schools deionized (distilled) water system. I’ve been finding 3-5 microplastics per 100ml of DI water, and this is after filtering it through a 0.47 micron pore size filter using an all-glass apparatus and then immediately filtering it again to get a post-filter concentration. Before filtering it there were up to 10x more plastics than post filter. So if you’re buying your DI water in plastic jugs I guarantee you are still drinking a good amount of microplastics

Distilled water in a plastic jug

We can also talk how modern industrial cheese that you buy in big market chains has less and less natural taste, and more and more feels tasteless and plastic-like form

I had to install a reverse osmosis filter system in my house because the tap water is chlorinated where I am.

>pixel 6

still not eating bugs


Use a knife and fork

what did he mean by this?

wtf are you talking about, even 1000 years ago people were smart enough to avoid drinking dirty water. They drank from wells with clean water or very weakly fermented ale. They didnt drink brown and if they had to theyd still boil it. were probably talking over 10k years ago people drank dirty water and didnt get sick. good luck undoing 10k years of evolution.

Nah, actually I am not eating or drinking a credit card worth of plastic... for one I dont buy "rice" that is usualy avelable in rrgular dtores to eat!

I don't drink regular water either!
Especially not distilled.

And also yez, they do fuck around with All water, so if some are concerned make a homemade filter.

Use pebbles, sand, coal, caze/coffee filters as well bam. For better even filter, then boil, cool and place in glass storage and fridge.

Take it out, make surr to warm few minutes out of fridge, and guess what stir in circle motion with metal rod, thrn pour into another glass a bit higher up because water is magic and motion does wonder to it! Not a joke, it's true.

>good luck undoing 10k years of evolution
doing pretty good so far

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Everything's fucked up man. I buy broccoli and it fuckin stays unchanged for 10 days, doesnt degenerate a bit like a veggie should. Its all become plastic


before the 1900s, people were drinking choleric water and it was killing millions

I get my water from the aquifer so it is filtered through a lot of limestone. I do not eat packaged or pre-made food other than bread. I guess I need to start baking my own bread.

Shouldn't a reverse osmosis machine at home filter out 100% of the microplastics?


ID says gook

Kill yourself zoomie.

Sent from my iPhone - 7s

Eating a banana with a knife and fork makes you a complete faggot.
Worse than a cock sucker.

Just don't live in Flint and you're good to go. My tap water comes from a well drilled over 2,000 feet (609 meters) into limestone. I get an annual report on its quality.


What is bottled water for $25, Alex.

πŸ”₯ :

we are the result of 10k years of evolution. Were not as strong as we were thats true, but were also not as strong as chimps or gorrilas. but now i think about it id rather be a monke.
>case closed

so all that plastic was extracted from the shit of one person for a whole week? πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

are there rarities?

What part of Florida are you in?

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I drink tap water. Seldom get sick. Plastic is the least of my concerns.

you know theres another option between
distilled schzio water and evil government poision chemcial water


It's either plastic or chemicals. Either way you're fucked.

it means you're a homosexual