What religion did Adolf Hitler follow, if any?

What religion did Adolf Hitler follow, if any?

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How did he manage the remnants of the SA after the Night of the Long Knives?

Hitler was a God-fearing Christian until his dying breath.

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he might as well followed Satanism given how evil and demonic he was.


Die religion die Germania ist

I'd assume Catholic. Him and Goebbels both had positive things to say, however they were very much involved with Germanic/Nordic Pagan Symbology and stuff. The SS were especially involved in shit like that and even Hyperborea. We all know about how the Nazis sent a research team down to Antarctica in order to find remnants of a prehistory Aryan Civilization.

Jung said he started his on religion

The German people IS the religion.
If your religion is anything else than your people, you have a shit religion, and you'd be better off without one.

Just a highly personal one



(It's a real thing)


i win


German Catholicism was basically just Pagan with some of the words slightly changed, sometimes they didn't even bother to change it fully, in Norway we still call it Jul for example, and even in England you still call it Easter, which I envy.
At some point you have to wonder just how much pagan is too much?
Is there even such a thing?
Many of the Christians here are devout believers (which I highly envy) but I believe the things you pray to are actually pagan without you even knowing it.
When my family prays for the food for instance, what are they really doing?
They say the earthly things are cursed and has to be blessed in order for us to consume it.
But it says nowhere in the bible to do that, and cursed!? really!? have you any idea how pagan that sounds?
Praying for food is common all across the globe, in all religions, even atheist Japan prays for food.
When your grandpa says a prayer, who is he really talking to? what does god look like?
Chances are significantly high, he is picturing Odin in his head when he prays.

You should follow him to where he is

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what, aren't I kool now???


Hitler was an esoteric fascist and was very into the occult. When he was gaining power he propped up Martin Luther in propaganda as a way to draw further support towards ousting the Jews, but he didn't care much for Christianity and found it ideologically incompatible with what he was trying to implement.

You first.

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Oh yea 100%. Paganism is definitely rooted in Catholic Christianity to a degree. You pray to certain saints who are devoted to certain things/nations. The Christmas Tree/Wreath are very much Pagan symbols. Mary has a lot of similar attributes to Freya even. However there are obviously distinctive differences, and if you've read Evola he goes onto to talk about why Catholicism ultimately failed in preserving the ancient traditional rites despite them being originally carried on with it. The fact is this, Catholicism is almost essentially the only MAJOR religion that is preserving the ancient fire in the West. I'm obsessed with all religion mostly in the Indo-European sphere, but I'd say confidently that I'm still a Catholic.