This is what $92 buys you in Canada

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at least you defeated hitler, right leaf?

Please reject emojis become ungovernable
Please reject emojis become ungovernable
Please reject emojis become ungovernable


watch you mouth before you get fed to dogs

Why the fuck would you by orange flavored sugar water. Just mix table sugar with water, much cheaper and equally healthy.

Kim i kneel
we are so sorry for joining the wrong side in WW2 please forgive us

how long can this food last you?

And the only country to successfully attack the whitehouse

This is what a gorillion dollarinos buys you in Ottawa

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>no pulp

>5.9% is considered "Strong Beer" in Leafland
Also I seriously hope you don't actually buy that gelatinous white basedbean oil slop that they call mayonnaise. Make your own mayo, it's simple as fuck and way better tasting, not to mention healthier.

had to get that boneless, skinless, chicken breasts. Could buy 2 whole chickens for the same price . . .

oh and a 40 of vodka, that's like $40 bucks there, and $20 for the chicken.

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What? Most Canadian beer is 5% to start. That's like average. 7% is strong.

What part of Canada you visit? Holland?

I couldn't believe how much cheaper chicken is here. In Canada 4 breasts was at least $13, here it's as little as 5, and much better quality.

It says right on the can of PBR "5.9% Strong Beer"

Well to be honest , every time I pour a glass I refill it with tap water . No one here ever notices until it's more than 50% water .

no one mentioned the box of ammo yet?

don't buy alcohol faggot

Mutts born after 1990 don't know what Norinco is

And all you got for it was all that shit for $92

Sure showed us

Chinese bullets?

Made in China garbage

Someone talk about the soup syndicate

Fuck Canada move to Eldorado County California its a white ethnostate

Ex Candian myslef.

>faggoty pre-squeezed orange juice
>more booze
>a block of butter that will last a month
>still enough to buy chicken and veggies for several meals
Maybe try spending less on your frivolous trash

>GAY butter
quintessential leaf

Ching Chong Ping Pong ammo box

>Gay Lea
OP is gayyyyyyyy

Buying fruit out of session and useless shit like alcohol. Come on sempai

Free Healthcare though.

Is it even brass case, or is it literally just the Chinese equivalent of Tula steel case that we can get here?

Those are steel core rounds. No practical use for them other than shooting old washing machines out here or punching holes in paper. Groupings aren't bad for cheap ammo. Stink like a mofo though

yea, but $92 in MooseBux™ is only like $25 USD


wrong. that was England; Canada wasnt an independent nation until like 1983.

Average Canadian household pays $7300 a year in federal and provincial taxes for "free health care ". What's a middle of the road insurance plan in the US cost for family ? Same i bet ? Lol . And no waiting 8 months for an x-ray I bet

I think I can get most of that for less than 20 bucks, 35 if you include the alccy

Not long enough

Yeah. Pabst is American.

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>and $20 for the chicken
If that's true, stop loving in cities. Never seen a pack of 5 of them for more than 12-ish. Especially not a cheapo brand like Maple Lodge which is like half the price of everything else no matter what the product is.

Well this is top sirloin in Canada so things aren't that bad

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