How would've he handled the ukraine situation ?

how would've he handled the ukraine situation ?

Attached: Stalin_1945.jpg (424x568, 136.33K)

In the most bloodthirsty way possible

Total war, all men drafted.

What would he think of Putin?

nukes ofc

Badly for the Russians

Starve them, obviously.

holodomor is his solution.

Nukes 100% this georgian was ready to either win or nuke whole world trying.

In todays numbers he would have sent 11,000,000 troops at Kiev


Attached: stalin-smoke.gif (291x300, 1.36M)

He created the Ukraine situation. His whole idea was to use ethnic Russians as ballast so that Ukraine and the Baltics could never move out of Moscow's orbit

By ruthlessly btfoing hohol nazi retards

He would tell Putin to shine his shoes and serve the vodka shots then get back to the kitchen where he belongs.

I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe

Losing a hilariously disproportionate number of men on his way to victory like Russia is doing now.

Starve every Ukrainian and then loot the empty homes so he has more money for sex toys with his Albanian boyfriend


Explain then why no russians in my swamp?

hes based

general mobilization, ukraine would be taken like in a month, russian tanks somewhere in warsaw or prague, moving towards la manche

Would have financed all the far-right political movements in Europe.
