Attached: KOT RU.webm (928x720, 2.48M)

Other urls found in this thread:

I can't wait until we crush those Russian vermin. Enact article 5 and turn Moscow to glass.

Attached: 1646082840202.png (960x1280, 2.46M)

Attached: Krym.jpg (1666x1190, 161.32K)

>I can't wait until we crush those Russian vermin. Enact article 5 and turn Moscow to glass.

Attached: 766A458E-7609-4137-9928-CD5F3468E12F.jpg (614x582, 109.49K)

Attached: Kot.jpg (370x469, 40.19K)


Attached: 58438435385.png (1193x1128, 668.98K)

Nice propaganda.

does anyone have the soldier making the Z?

I dont like being killed in nuclear war.

Attached: https___i.4cdn.org_pol_1648647246025.jpg (680x922, 165.3K)

Ukraine becoming new crater lake when?

Attached: 1633937331422.png (551x551, 165.28K)

Yes I'm a propagandist

Attached: yes I'm a propagandist.jpg (593x656, 52.25K)

japan and belarus dog? lot of funny cat videos from japan. same with belarus they own cat

Cringe, back to pleddit xir

Ah yes, someone who prefers the equivalent of a homeless person as a pet.

Please educate us on our “subhuman” nature.

Are a lot of people from Brasil like you? So dumb.

>Bceгo идeнтифициpoвaнo: 459
Kek, pathetic

thank you user. reminds me of my father.


Attached: 1647666026098.jpg (1110x544, 145.13K)

Get that Slavic cum out of your mouth, putinbots.

Attached: 5D7B2F80-A062-4171-A3CA-5C6595712C63.jpg (604x577, 62.95K)

Those are prisoners of... Special operation.

Mы бoльшe нe бepeм в плeн. Иcключeниe: cooтeчecтвeнники из Дoнбacca и пpocтo oчeнь мoлoдыe люди, cpoчники и т.д.

Attached: 5F49AD0F-4DFD-47F3-BB7D-A471A3825A9A.jpg (1536x1062, 1.54M)

Dilate faggot

Attached: 1623570290709.jpg (645x605, 63.88K)

Attached: EC9F2DDD-9E56-4980-8CCA-EE34BC4A839C.jpg (960x1280, 122.83K)

Does not make the numbers any less pathetic.
Кaк тeбe y пидopoв-чeхoв, Tapacик?

Bot post. This same comment was posted 5 times in the last 5 minutes and one of them even had an error.

Attached: Capture.png (1270x428, 40.62K)

>Get that Slavic cum out of your mouth, putinbots

Attached: 777F2473-2413-4991-8ADC-AAAC4E1FB897.jpg (1200x1449, 127.74K)

based israel enjoyer

Attached: AP_20124603831389.jpg (1200x800, 116.24K)

Kot means shit in german.

Virtue signaling

я люблю кoшeк

>visit /chug/
soldiers with cats and dogs. Chechens helping civs and kids. strikes on equipment.
>visit /ugh/
same dead bodies getting spammed from the same shared folder over and over again.
And yet they wonder why /chug/ is more populair.