Hey, bros. I'm the guy who posted pic related last night. Just wanted to give you guys an update...

Hey, bros. I'm the guy who posted pic related last night. Just wanted to give you guys an update. For those of you who weren't there, here's a QRD
>sister was in gangbang
>told parents
>mom confessed to being a whore in college
>dad hit her
>mom called cops
>dad went to jail
>mom left to go stay with my aunt
>stupid bitch took my dog with her

So the last post I made last night I said I was going to go get my dog from my aunt's house. This was around 3AM. When I showed up at my aunt's house she wouldn't let me in because apparently mom was scared of me for yelling at her that she's a whore. My aunt bitched me out for being a terrible son and said that if I didn't leave she'd call the police. I was furious but I left because I didn't want to get arrested before I could bail my dad out of jail. So I went home and fell asleep after a few hours then woke up early to go get my dad. He was released around noon on $3000 bail which I happily paid. When he came out he looked so broken and defeated that I hardly recognized him from before the incident. The cops said he can't go back home because of some domestic violence protocol bullshit but I didn't care since my mom was at my aunts house an hour away. On the way home he said that he shouldn't have hit my mom and that he hopes she can forgive him. When we got there he went straight to sleep since he said he didn't feel comfortable sleeping in jail. And that's where I'm at right now. My dad is asleep downstairs and I'm sitting here seething about my bitch mom putting my dad through this, and also plotting a rescue mission for my dog.

Also, my whore sister doesn't know any of this yet. I'm sure my mom hasn't talked to her yet because she sounds like scooby doo ever since my dad smacked the shit out of her. I'm contemplating going to her campus tomorrow and shaming her in front of everyone. Idk. I'm so full of rage right now i don't know what to do.

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choice has consequences

someone had a worst day than me.
I bet your thread reached max limit.

Your dad is retarded hitting your mum for something she did 20 years ago

imagine caring what your sister does, as if it impacts your life in any way. you sound like all these mud-hut dwelling Afghans I met while over there. MUH HONOR. Pathetic.

nice blog poast

Nice blog post cunt

beat by a fuckin' leaf

Islam is right about women.

also you are a little snitch. But your sister is indeed a slut, however that's really pathetic from you to snitch. Your whole familly seems kind of retarded, and you should feel guilty for snitching on your sister's sex life even if it is wild. Overall you are an ass hole and you destroyed your familly.
Kys snitch

Attached: calssysex.webm (480x608, 1.8M)

All women are trash

I do feel like maybe he overreacted, but what pushed me over to his side was my mom calling the cops on him like she didn't at least partially deserve to be hit. And also the bitch took MY dog.

She disrespected my family. She deserves whatever is coming to her. I'm going to convince my dad to stop paying for her to whore around at college.

and that's why their countries are so successful. such beacons of intelligence, innovation, and progress (not bullshit progressivism, actual human progress)

Violence against women is always justified OP, don't forget that.
Kill her and your mother, drag her corpse on the street and leave it there for the dogs.
I hate women.

Tell your sister the story, in such a way. That she won't be able to trust either parent. Leak the evidence to the people around her, discreetly. Claim it was mom.
Gaslight the shit out of her subtly.
Be Chinesey.

Attached: 1646410504823.png (513x507, 300.69K)

whore apologist faggot
Based OP. I questioned if the story was even real at first. The only thing you can do is be there for your dad during all this.

😈 Do it user give your whore of a sister a honking welcome
i feel bad for you, being born son and brother of whores, but you'll manage

You and your family need church. But you did the right thing. Your dad is also right but gave up the leverage when he deservingly hit her

I am sorry you and your dad have to go through this. I am sorry he hit your mom. This only complicates things.

I hope you can get it sorted and have a relationship with all of them as you chose. you don't get to pick your family OP.
If they sincerely express remorse to you i hope you can honestly forgive them. people do dumb stuff and we all slave to sin in some regard. admitting such and ceasing that behavior is our struggle.

>whore apologist faggot

enjoy destroying your familly and parents relationship for snitching on your own sister sex life. real life isn't pol nigger people do shit, good and bad

LOOOOOLLLLLL bet if you weren't such a manlet cuck, you would be sticking your tiny peepee all over the place. Now I get it - jealousy. Like I said - you're pathetic. You're on a ball of mud hurtling through the universe, you have a limited amount of time on this planet, and this is how you spend your time.

You will die as pathetically as you have lived, and alone.

Just a machete with you and all will go well...

>he said that he shouldn't have hit my mom and that he hopes she can forgive him
Smack the shit out of him, you are the only one who can support him in this situation. Help him find new balls, push him to accept his male nature that now requires another. Always double down.

LOOOLLLLLLL i cant wait for you troon to hang yourself

Letting women vote was the #1 worst mistake we made as a civilization.

Pip her out, you will make a million