Being a literal reddit country and dying for the satanic Jews who rule you

>being a literal reddit country and dying for the satanic Jews who rule you
>based and redpilled nationalism
Are Ukrainians stupid or just suicidal?

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I can't wait until we crush those Russian vermin. Enact article 5 and turn Moscow to glass.

anyday now

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Did this russian bloke hang himself or something?

Lmao, you shit-eaters talk a big game, but don't do anything. Send some more used Soviet tech to Ukraine, I'm sure that'll help more.

I can't tell the difference with these guys which side was he on?

is that greta


he is transexual

>Are Ukrainians stupid or just suicidal?

IDK user, how many of your family members died in WW2?

Now tell us Americans. Your country is with Russia and you send your redditfags for Russian localise Ukrainian militias isnt it ?

Russians got literally nothing decent to offer to anyone. Just corruption and Moscow kleptocracy. There is a reason every country that used to be in their sphere of influence hatesåååå them.

Why wait ? You can sign up right now. Just dont forget to take a selfie while you are there.

it is better to live in a reddit country than russia.
it is better to live in african than russia

>Russians got literally nothing decent to offer to anyone.
Says the country that buys Russian gas.

>I can't wait until we crush those Russian vermin. Enact article 5 and turn Moscow to glass.

Attached: 1648052852121.jpg (424x422, 23.79K)

>get invaded
>invader treats there own people like shit
>how are they gonna treat me

Makes sense to fight; if you live, you may be in a better position to fight the poz at home.

Onions based WEF state

I used to think Ukraine was based, nationalist and even paying homage to older struggles against bolshevism. Turns out they're just a fake and gay military outpost of NATO with a bunch of gold digging whores inbetween. Fucking faggots.

picture is kinda kino.

>about to do a military operation and put self in danger
>take a faggy selfie with Mr. Serious face for internet points.
>Get everyone killed due to your massive narcissism before it gets started

Its the duality of man in one picure.

Why can't you faggots separate corrupt governments from regular, everyday people that happen to occupy that soil? These people aren't globohomo, they're just defending the ground they were born on. Im convinced every russiafag is underage