The madlad did it again

Attached: Oy Vey.png (720x786, 1.14M)

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Hi Kylan

this guy needs a cozy channel

i fucking wish i had at least some talent this guy has
showing flag so you don't think it's actually him

Haven't some of his songs been taken down before?
I remember I had to watch some odysee because they were missing from his youtube channel.

Who's this gimp? Looks like a onions caricature

say what you will about them but boy can they play a mean fiddle

Kek the we did it reddit song is awesome

yep, the first version of this was taken down but he's also on bitchute and odysee so his content is getting heard. it's good to download and save it just in case though

my favourite

This guy is right up there with Bobby Fischer for telling it like it is. Man, can you imagine how much Fischer pissed off his own tribe? The rage they must have felt for such betrayal.

Isn't he just a kike making fun of the "goyim".

You don’t need the flag in the first place, queer. Thanks for the video though.

he's a self hating jew
many such cases
included me

yep. it's glorious
my country flag attracts the various balkan tribes and the conversation turns to bickering so i avoid using it

when will we get another bobby fischer? somebody who is really famous and can get the message out?
none of the current celebs would ever jeopardize their gravy train

i think the system has grown too large at this point
whenever it comes, I'm willing to bet it's a new system that their reach has no yet corrupted
think facebook, but before it got fucked by boomers and corporate interest



Attached: 1643716870095.jpg (630x471, 99.2K)

Satan confers many talents to his children so that they may seduce and beguile.


Is he even Jewish?

guy can play, damn.

i'm not sure
are you certain he is?

He's Italian

Just saw he's live on twitch right now