Made an off color joke about a one armed man counting his change in college...

Made an off color joke about a one armed man counting his change in college... someone took offence to it and now i have a meeting with the head of public safety. is there any way i can avoid going? Already explained in an email that it was only a joke and not meant to offend anyone.

Attached: AreYouSerious.png (826x738, 1.01M)

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Lie and say the person taking offense made an even worse joke before yours.
You'll probably be on their/the college's shitlist after this but if you're the type that likes to rebel and fight back I would do this.

Attached: 1594437612558.gif (100x100, 7.27K)

>anyway to avoid going
Tell them you don't feel safe. They're going to discriminate against you.

jeesus...Im glad Im not in college anymore....

every institution associated with teens and 20 year olds is fake and gay.

Just dont go, if they track you down just say you were busy with midterms.
Also what uni you go to

Based leaf, is their own rules against them, just make sure to limit it to a time when it was just you and the snitch together.

Attached: 1648711759228.webm (230x400, 1.64M)

>Already explained in an email that it was only a joke and not meant to offend anyone.

Boy imagining being a right wing retard think le logic and reason is gonna work

This. You should have immediately denied it and accused the snitch of doing it to punish you after you stood up for trans rights.



you should have never admitted it




What was the joke

did this one armed man have a funny little hat on the crown of his head? was he rubbing his one hand in the air against an imaginary phantom change counter?

>send a black acquaintance to the meeting posing as you
>have him claim racism if they push the issue

Problem solved

yeah OP is retarded for admitting fault already.

so... is there any way to get out of it now? Can't believe they would get so offended over a joke.

tell them that you just made a joke and the person who ratted you out has caused irrelerable psychological damage and anxiety for being reported to a hierarchical authority for nothing.


Heres the gif version fren

Attached: 1555558104041.gif (500x286, 888.95K)

What was the joke OP?

This. Also tell them that you identify as a one armed transgender

this was the joke:

You must own every word you say. To the letter. Live by this advice and no one shall have power over you. They may attack you, rob you, and strip from you all you own, but they will not have power of YOU. Taking ownership of your words also helps you take your words more seriously and improves your choice in speaking them.

Own your joke. The problem isn't you; It is the student who was offended and likely the broader ideology she is a part of.


> It is the student who was offended and likely the broader ideology she is a part of.
more like a female pajeet security guard

play this as you come into the office

jokes are illegal in 2022 dummy