

Attached: novorossia.jpg (575x416, 36.17K)


All that clay belongs to Romania, Poland and Hungary. Slovakia can suck a fat one.

Let Ukraine be as they want.


Cringe. We could do a friendly unification once we got rid of Jewtin's and Jewzelenskiy's regimes, but now it's over thanks to one monkey.


until you're offered lvov back

nothing will happen


my thoughts are we should stop worrying about ukraine and russia and have more white children


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What happens to Russian territory is honestly more interesting geopolitically than Ukraine right now

only if the subcar goes to Hungary

ffs user. Chernivtsi would be part of "Ukraine" not malorussia.

Sry, but globohomo takes it all.

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Good joke. Over half of your oligarchs are jews, good luck getting rid of them


Do it. Oh, you can't.

That'd be cool if Russia could actually capture a city

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More and more I'm thinking this is the only way to save the planet.

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War will bring peace within 20 years

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