Racism is getting boring

Honestly, black people really aren't that bad.
I think all black people have within them the ability to be just as great as the white man.

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13% of niggers ARE 50% bad. 😏

uh no user haven't you seen those webms of black people attacking others?

All niggers must hang.

Not hardly

It's like you want me to be upset at your shitposting. You can have the (You) anyway. It's that kind of day today.

Why don't you want speciation?
Are you dysfunctional?

LOL go pound sand and off yourself already you pathetic muttoid faggot retard.


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Okay rabbi

>Honestly, black people really aren't that bad.
You probably live in a gated community.

>10 points have been added to your account

lol show flag then hand nigger

Black people have it in their ability to eat fried chicken and blame white man for everything πŸ‘Œ

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So white.

Attached: OscarsSoWhite.jpg (2048x1151, 332.62K)

I will not give op you

You were racist just for the lulz? Poser.

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i guess you've never lived around blacks

I think american blacks are a like a mini Idiotacracy were all the dumb ones out breed smart ones 7:1


They dont make racism like they used to

Unironic racists are retarded

t. Someone so well to do they don’t have to interact with orcs

>Honestly, black people really aren't that bad.

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