Kratom prohibition

Kratom just became illegal in my city, should it be legal or not? I heard that it is essentially a natural opioid and people can die from respiratory depression.

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thats the good part on kratom specially, that you cannot die from resipratory depression, no matter the dose.

There are several kratom deaths though

I eat it. Get higher.

Kratom basically tanks your testosterone to 0.

Does it turn you into a tranny?

must be why ((they)) support its use

It's a mu opioid agonist so it won't depress your breathing. You will puke first.
Just like "COVID deaths" they scrape the bottom of the barrel. Find a death where Kratom was the only substance consumed.
It can increase your prolactin which destroys your sex drive with daily use but occasional use is really dopaminergic. I feel warm and fuzzy and get nice boners.

My strain of choice is "White Wizard".

I took it for a few months and felt nothing except for how nasty it tasted

It's based and White

shit kratom then, I tried it a couple times and felt in less than 15 min

Yeah it's legal but it destroys your liver and kidneys.
It's also extremely addictive. The withdrawal symptoms are similar to opioid withdrawal.

Why did you eat something that tasted nasty and didn't get you high for three months?

Alone it probably won’t kill you but for SURE causes respiratory depression. It gets very dangerous very fast with just a little alcohol in the mix.
It’s incredibly addictive, only pleasurable the first time you do it, after that just itchiness, nausea, and tinnitus. Not at all worth it. Kava Kava is the underrated player here.

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Forgot to mention, Kratom absolutely FUCKS your gut. When I was on it I swung between diarrhea and constipation by the hour. Lots of gas and gas pains. I think it killed my gut biome. That part lasted a while after I quit, until I discovered probiotic kefir that cured me.

It can make you bald bro

((THEY)) support banning it because they cant tax the fuck out of a botanical extract thats been used safely since the beginning of time....

Saw this coming. There are always going to be fuckin junkies that can't take things in moderation and fuck it up for the rest of us. Looking at those dumb motherfuckers that some how worked their way up to 50g a day, jfc. Busybody lawmakers see these idiots and assume all users will become like them and just call for bans.

Instead of the usual I tried swallowing it on a spoon and then drank water the other day, and it turned into the cinnamon challenge and I vomited everywhere, had dried dirt stuck inside my throat and everywhere.

Makes me too constipated but if you eat a few spoon fulls youre vibin.