Republicans only want to make the rich richer. Democrats actually want to help the poor

Republicans only want to make the rich richer. Democrats actually want to help the poor.

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European society is centered around jews. They have holidays for jews. They killed tens of millions of white men to free jews. They listen to jew music. They elect a jew as their president. They dress and act like jews. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from jews. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of the birth of a jew. They use jew slang like "schmuck" and "kosher". When they go to war to "defend their people" they're not thinking of their indigenous population they're thinking of jews and so hellish meat grinders were created to slaughter millions of whites while jewish "leaders", bankers and court lenders on all sides laughed. Their cities are completely overrun with jews. Their heroes are all jews like Churchill and Zelensky. They sit around watching jew talk shows and fantasizing about jewish gold. They worship the God of the jews while attacking the whites who actually built civilization before jews took over. Their movies are filled with jews and their music charts are topped by jews. They will tell you how much they hate jews and how the fourth Reich will rise and they are just pretending to love jews but the evidence speaks for itself in that Europe has always been and will be a continent of jew loving jews.

Democrats are far left, republicans are moderate. Anyone who isn't far right is an enemy.

>Democrats actually want to help the poor.
no they don't
they tell you that they do
you're dumb and forgetful, so kind words are all it takes


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American politics is dead. Republicans are people like Ladybugs Graham and Mitt Romney. What the fuck?!

No, kike, they both want to give handjobs to their corporate buddies and sell out the american people for influence.

Fuck you, fuck democrats, fuck republicans, fuck kikes, fuck jannies, eat shit and stop shitting up the board.

Republicans at least pretend to give a shit about rights, fucking faggot.

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>Republicans only want to make the rich richer.
>Democrats actually want to help the poor.
As of the year 1960 the democrats also only want to make the rich richer.

I trust you dogo. I know you wouldnt lie to me

How's that worked out? Say, since the great new society program. Democrats done a lot of helping the poor? Or are they more interested in the proliferation of poverty?

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Republicans want to make the rich richer.
Democrats want to make the rich richer by pretending they’re looking out for the little guy.

The very last thing the Democrats want is for people to be prosperous and independent. Their ideal would be for all of us to be living in government housing, riding government buses, eating government food, seeing government doctors, any or all of which can and will be withheld for those whom the government seems unreliable. All their talk of how food or healthcare or housing is a human right is complete and utter horse shit. They will use it as a weapon to enforce their tyranny.

The Democratic Party is the #1 nexus of evil in the modern world. It must be totally destroyed. I hope to see the severed heads of 5,000 Democrat politicians on public display when the coming civil war has concluded. They are not our countrymen. They are the ENEMY of all Americans and all humanity.

>Republicans at least pretend to give a shit about rights
Wrong, republicans want a fascist dictatorship.

you're probably baiting, but you should know either way that you're a stupid nigger. If demoshits actually wanted to help, they'd be volunteering at food banks instead of spending jew money to increase their own power. They would never even be politicians if they cared. Lastly, you're a nigger

>Democrats actually want to help the poor.
This might be believable if not for the fact that most heavily democratic leaning cities are a shithole that hasn't significantly improved despite repeatedly voting blue since the 60s.

>Democrats actually want to help the poor
>Everything is all of a sudden more expensive now

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>people like this exist and they vote

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>Jews want to help you, goy
I'm amazed that people still fall for this shit.

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What are you, 50? Boomer still stuck in the 80s.

Democrats hate you and are more corrupt than republicans. Here's Nancy Pelosi making $500 million thanks to insider trading

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They like to promise to the poor, rob the working/middle class and pay the rich.

Cool 1990s talking point, xir.

If Republicans want to make the rich richer and Democrats want to help the poor then why do small business owners tend to vote Republican and the hyper rich tend to vote Democrat?

I saw a poor guy selling knit caps on the El Train in Chicago. It's was a cold day, and many people forgot their hats, so they were grateful to be able to buy an inexpensive hat to stay warm .

Democrats would arrest him for this crime. You can't just sell stuff without government permission!

He's exaggerating but they are still soulless boomers who are sell outs to the globohomo empire

Reject the black pill, if the situation was hopeless their propaganda would be unnecessary.

Language is the battlefield

Because poor = jobless brown people only to democrats in 202x


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Democrats want to help people? What about helping people help themselves? This is what Conservatives want. Republicans just want to enrich themselves ioff the back of workers like Democrats.

Help people help themselves. Create jobs, maintain a society in which people can earn a living for their family and get ahead. This is opposite what Democrats want.

Fuck off jew.