AIDS conspiracy

AIDS kind of reminds me of COVID in the sense that it could very well be a conspiracy with a bunch of shady shit behind its random entrance to the world. It was also introduced at a time before the internet when the only way you could really get information was by television, news papers, or word of mouth so it would have been so much easier to keep people in the dark. Does anyone have any good sources or links to some AIDS conspiracy info?

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I'm also interested in this. Someone redpill us on AIDS.

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theres a good documentary on youtube about it. forgot what its called. definitely lots of covid style shadiness behind it

Niggers fucked monkeys that were being experimented on. Sad but true.

AIDS was given to homos by Fauci thru “free” Hepatitis shots a gay clinics in NYC and San Fran. Then Fauci could sell them AZT medicine, which killed them. Problem-Reaction-Solution, Khazarian Style. If anything is free, you are the product.

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> Random entrance into the world
You gotta be a retard

Look up Russian disinformation campaign which allegedly claims the US created AIDS. Make of that what you will.

There was a segment of scientists including the inventor of the PCR test, Kary mullis, who spoke against Fauci and his HIV virus causing AIDS as being a fraud. "Aquired immune deficiency syndrome" is aquired from a number of causes. The drugs they prescribe after a positive hiv pcr test are toxic and eventually lead to death from organ failure. Aids is a political disease and racket for the health care industry.

I’d believe the Russians, at this point, over the US Gov about anything, everyday of the week and twice on Sundays.

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AIDS was announced by Fauchi right after he took office. The reason was because the fags were protesting too much. PCR was also introduced as the means of testing for it, despite the inventor of the PCR test constantly saying that it was never designed to diagnose any disease.

Look into AZT. It was prescribed for AIDS patients based on body weight. I believe AZT was the actual drug killing people after Fauchi announced AIDS.

I just got the word of mouth story.

AIDs is the first racist virus ever. To only target gays and homosexuals. If that's not sus at all - a racist virus.

AIDs has the queerest propaganda ever. "Mankind is a degenerate species, but for the first time ever, in 1970, was the first time someone thought to fuck a monkey. And AIDs was contracted."

While the conflicting arguement to this delusion, szitso narrative, is around 1970, the U.S. Government flu shots to homosexuals and negroes around the Los Angelas and New York area.

And coincidentally, a virus broke out.

All I know! Cheers.

What I don't get was why they first tried to kill fags and niggers but now they worship them. I mean I know it's all fake, but what was the play here? Considering that they can live with aids now it's not like they are extremely fucked any more. Was it just to score cash on aids pills?

alot of good docuseries were removed from youtube

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These two are the best starting points.
One is a presentation by Dr Robert Willner who wrote 'Deadly Deception', and the second one is a podcast with Peter Deusberg.

Roy Cohn died of AIDS, high level spook but the commie jews probably still wanted him dead

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Because blacks and gays are fucking super spreaders when it comes to STDs, so they're the ideal patient zero. AIDS' overall purpose is just to reduce overall life expectancy of people without hindering them much (like the covid vaccines). The goal was never to reduce the population, but reduce life expectancy.

Inventing the AIDS Virus by Peter Duesberg a good place to start.

That is essentially population control though

this nigga forgot he hasnt playing gta anymore

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The goals are slightly different. One is to reduce the number of people, while the other is to reduce the amount of time someone continues to live after retiring.

PS. That's also one of the big goals of promoting BMWF racemixing. They want to spread AIDS to the white population faster, so they encourage women to be sluts and emphasize that they need to sleep with black men as often as possible. Normalizing gays works similarly, although less effective.

Thanks brother