Come home white man

She can have your Aryan babies, without any of the downsides of white women.

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you guys know what to do

Ugly gook kids, awesome!

Nah, pass

Gooks are ugly as shit. I legitimately don't understand how anyone could make a fetish out of these women.

anglo + chink = baby supports Taiwan
ayran + chink = baby supports China

she can have your elliot rodgers and kelly baltazars


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beats mating with niggers and other shitskins

hitler said that asians have a shit tier nonculture and anything good about their countries was taken from europeans. it's right in mein kampf (deleted from the first japanese translation kek)

that's not saying much

Women of all races besides the Asians look fine. Gooks go away

uh huh... sure thing, nigga

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nice eyes lady

>Ugly gook kids, awesome!
>Nah, pass

Would you rather have kids with a 6/10 white woman whose been riding the cock carousel for 15 years?

>Gooks are ugly as shit. I legitimately don't understand how anyone could make a fetish out of these women.

Gook women can look incredible beautiful like the Korean lady on my pic.

Just need double eyelid surgery really. She also have a more European nose (guess surgery too).

she cute

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She looks fucking retarded

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To be honest everything good about East Asia traces back to Ancient Aryans. Daoism and Shintoism. The Japanese didn't independently invent the swastika. The Samurai were direct lineages to Aryans.

Central Asia isn't many horseback travel days from East Asia.

mutt cope

I have gorgeous kids with a virgin white woman married at 18. You're just a fucking loser and even chinks will be able to smell the loser on you, maybe you could get a Filipino for a few years before she divorces you once getting citizenship.

Holy fuck. Just stop... my god just stop.

I'm home...

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She looks like that because of an ungodly amount of surgery and whitening cream. Go have a look at pics of Japs and Gooks before American influence took over. They look like spics/Amerindians.

It's true.

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If you were so success with your Virgin white woman then you wouldn't be here on /pol


this is a fake quote. you're a dipshit if you believe HITLER would say that stupid shit, which directly contradicts what he wrote in mein kampf.

Lol, I feel so bad for you. Angry incels love projecting

Holy fuck. Even we know we have roots traced back primarily to gooks and chinks. You're up there with the whole jesus was white, tribe of dan is anglo, etc. fucking hell just get over race insecurity.

Yes ofc there's surgery involved

With surgery these easy asian women looks incredible.

Female offsprings would just get the same surgery if needed.

Imagine calling another user an incel on this platform

>Editor's note

>Francois Genoud

>These new pages, which have only just
>come to light, form part of Die Bormann
>Vermerke. They cover but a brief period, but
>one of exceptional interest. They consist,
>unfortunately, of only eighteen notes. The
>first seventeen cover the period between the
>4th February and 26th February 1945 with
>all but day-to-day regularity. The eighteenth
>and last note is dated 2nd April 1945. They
>differ from their predecessors in that all
>eighteen were taken down directly by
>Bormann himself.
bunch of "notes" "discovered" in 1945, written by someone else, discovered by yet another person, and they contradict mein kampf

100% realâ„¢

Jesus was probably Aryan, that's right.

I'm not race insecure. I'm not even 'Aryan' identifying. Just acknowledging that the steppe tribes did give birth to both the West, the East, and India. In terms of culture. And in genetics, in Europe.