Fuck the EU and fuck this bitch

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Who that?


literal whore of satan

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nobody voted for her lmao, eu must be destroyed

no good ho.

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based. on a scale of 1 to six gorillion, how jewish is this cunt?

Is she cutting your gibs, Polish bitch?

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quick summary pls?

On a good side, she left German military in ruins and this is also the reason why I don't want to see her in any public office position. This woman will bring disaster. Germans, keep your shit inside your borders.

Hans, isn't it time for your midnight pegging?

German politician who's opposed to the guy that died in the bunker but wishes to genocide Europe of the native population through the means of experimental vaccines, mass migration using economical collapse, restructuring the term 'family', imposing sanctions for not supporting LGBTQ++ and many more.
Same as your politicians.

I can't be the only one who finds her hot


>Not getting gibs
This si the best thing ever. More people will be redpilled on this shit show in Europe thanks to this power grab attempt by the European Comission. We are one step further to kill this EU calamity.

if you want something destroy slowly, you let that whore rule it

I could definitely take her in a fight


gifl vibes, ngl

Fuck em. The EU can go to hell after today.

this bitch is a literal demon. She already morphing into hillaries form.

relevent you posted that today, look at the date, 31/3...
you all know how special 7 is right?