More dying than being born

How can any 1st world nation even recover their demographics (excluding immigration etc) if your population just stops breeding what as a country can you do

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More BAMEs lad

The population decreasing isn't the end of the world. It's just rich people being hysterical at the prospect of line not going up

Remove Jews and their central banks

Tax people 70%+fixed fee if they have no children and 60% if less than 2. pop boom in a couple weeks.

Thats what the romanians did and it worked.
Also artificially make the supply of condoms rarer,so the price is higher and younger people wont bother to buy them.

Why would you want to increase the population?

>Thats what the romanians did and it worked.
bet most of the people having kids are gypsies

No look at the old demographic results they recorded their birth rates and ethnic romanians ones soared.
Also look at the soviet union where pro family policies were enforced and where people getting married and having kids was a net benefit to people since it meant better living conditions,better benefits etc.

Just make it worth for people to have kids and they will have kids while also giving them a proper education that isnt like the globohomo one.

>90% of the population can't afford housing
>why aren't people having kids??

Attached: 1648612975944.jpg (623x1024, 107.87K)


Attached: Polish_fertilityRate.png (1000x743, 61.55K)

I will die homeless suck starting a shotgun before I'll curse a kid with my genes.

Why does pol have an obsession with increasing the population?
The world was better with less than 1 billion people.

Without immigration and migrants at all I meant

WW2 was a mistake

>Why would you want to increase the population?
To make the money line go up on the chart, duh!
But seriously, the rationale is really that base and depraved. This is what happens when Nations die.

Attached: Peakin.png (632x422, 134.38K)

I think they need to make apartment prices double each year and make rents be 80% of average citizen's salary. Also pump public money into old fucks one leg in graves by giving them free money and benefits while taxing young people even more. This will surely make young people want to have kids

In the prospect of Africans and other scum flooding europe and america I’m worried about our future
Butin is trying to topple oil dollar and entire world seethes same would happen in that scenario i suppose
I actually never heard that before but wouldn’t it create many pathological
Condom supply isn’t a threat I think since many other methods to get rid of kid are out there
If given choice I prefer to stay with niggers of my skin color than to live next to someone who next to me looks like an alien also just the fact of being flooded with Arabs Africans mongols etc doesn’t fit me well
They are all homeless in poor countries yet they can’t stop from fookin as I see around me it’s more about peoples mindsets and the idea oh kids no time no money for me no more luxury etc
You say no hopes left:(?

>Condom supply isn’t a threat I think since many other methods to get rid of kid are out there
It and the birth controll pill are the most widely used methods just make it expensive and these people will just fuck without protection.

> lack of jobs
> overpriced real state
> shitty dysgenic population
> homosexuals

never you can't fix bad virtues

Rednecks and sandniggers will never understand this, but overreproducing is one of the many causes of the turd eorld being trash and the population boom if the last two centuries, combined with the leadership of psychotic arabs, wasn’t something sustainable.

It's pretty simple.
If you want people to have children then you make policies that benefit them having children and generally increase their standard of living to where they can feel secure about their place in society in the next 20 years.
If you don't want people to have children, you do the opposite where people can barely even sustain themselves and have no idea what the next 10 years will bring.