So Ukraine is pushing the Russians back to the Russian border now?

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Breaking news, every Russian soldier is dead and Putin is on suicide watch!


Eight thousand Russian generals have been killed in a meme explosion! One just flew over my house!

Putin is changing strategy. He is a genius. Expect Donald Trump level 4D chess moves

Ukraine did an amphibious landing in Kherson oblast at some point?

At this point our resident Russian anons should start worrying about the Ukies invading Moscow.

just a prank bro

>Breaking Mariupol siege is going so good that they wasted at least 2 helis trying to evacuate ((someone)) from retreating ruskies

Yeah. Rumor is that he's brining in a fresh round of reserves in. Not like reserves in the weekend soldier sense but reserves as in forces he kept back from the main for to reinforce a specific position.

They got pp smacked and are now regrouping to do a massive attack i assume

are they really "pushing" if russia is just leaving

they are just returning to empty buildings

The whole area around Kherson is operations except with majority Ukraine except a road west of Kherson that goes up to the city limit which is in full UA control. It’s being set up as supply line to invade the city.

Gonna retake Crimea

Why would the second biggest military in the world be leaving?

Ah, those Embryo physics should have been fixed by now, i swear.

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Plenty of saboteurs in Crimea already, like in Belgorod. If that shiteating bridge blows up, Crimea is all but lost

Because you don't always hold ground during maneuver warfare. This isn't ww1

Experts say the hohols are already besieging Moscow.

Elite forces were already deployed and got BTFOd. The best tankers with the latest harder retreated from Kharkov leaving a lot of infantry elements totally exposed. And this is an elite unit that trains in Moscow with latest gen tanks, not the easy bake ovens that Russia has deployed en masse

No wunderwuffe bitch

>it's just a feint bro...

Attached: ITS OVER.png (206x273, 35.53K)

Yes, all those people who ate shit in Kyiv were just a distraction, this is maneuver warfare, cope cages are the future

Drop the calm and collected bulshit katyusha, you got absolutely fucked up

A Serb making a funny about Russian coping? What’s next? Cats and dogs living together?

Are there ANY trustworthy sources?
Everyone is fucking lying about what’s going on.

God eat some pizza or something. Shut the fuck up when grown folks is talkin'

Russia is retreating because they don't want to kill their own troops when the nukes drop

You’re either Russian or Chinese, either way in world politics you’re a child, a very incapable child

nupol is a pathetic joke

When was the last time Italy won a war? Shit it's been like I dunno 300 years or something since your country was even relevant. Go back up into your little hillfots and sniff pasta up your nose or some weird shit.