Complains for 6 years straight

>Complains for 6 years straight
>Offers little to no solutions.

Honest unfiltered thoughts Pulge Yosefwatt Senn?

Attached: MV5BZTYwNDMwMDUtOWEyOS00OWUwLTg1YWYtOWJiMzY1YjYzYzJkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUxMjc1OTM@._V1_UY1200_CR738,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg (630x1200, 44.75K)


I keep watching paul's videos
He can't stop whining.

literally who?

>complains about complainer
>offer no solutions

The cock sucker calling the homosexuale a faggot

oh vey have you goiym bought teh supa silver freedom schekle from

>He can't stop whining.
imagine my shock

Ashton said he has a micropenis

I don't like him, I never liked him. He's got a whiny little bitch voice

that's a man

he goes by DSL

low t faggot with cocksucker lips
also a grifter so he can go off himself


Right-wing ideology in a nutshell. Just complain and not actually do anything.

The right needs to become just as fanatical, militant, and cult-like as the left. We unironically need the right-wing equivalent of SJWs.

If one side in a political or ideological struggle is utterly uncompromising and absolutely convinced that they're morally righteous, like the left is, while the other side of struggle is willing to compromise and less zealous in advancing their values, then obviously the more fanatical and uncompromising movement is going to gain more and more ground and eventually control everything. That's how we got to the point where we are today where the left controls almost every single aspect of our society with an iron fist and is ruthlessly crushing all dissent.

Likewise, the left has another massive advantage over the right since they're fully willing to collective and utilize the power of the state. In comparison, the right is STILL preaching radical individualism and small government libertarianism. And so no shit the right is doomed to increasing levels of powerlessness and oppression because the core tenants of their ideology are fundamentally flawed.

Once he gets over his shock he can start offering solutions. Until then I will keep imagining it.

>Complains for 6 years straight
There's nothing straight about this man

inb4 someone named Paul will be mad at this image

Attached: paul.png (1200x600, 397.77K)

The right will not do anything as long as they are led by cucks ego care about principles

At least gives the some representation

He's funny and normies like it

this type of content was fun when we were all 16 or younger. now it just seems very childish and pathetic. all they do is pick the lowest hanging fruit to make themselves look smarter.
>cherry pick insane sjw clip
>even npc's would know theyre mad
>State the obvious for 20 minutes on youtube

Libertarians don't pretend to have all the answers. They just advocate for more free choice and competition so smart people are free to come up with their own answers.

pjw isn't a libertarian