Omega Variant

Fuck this piece of shit

Attached: file.png (894x906, 352.09K)

Other urls found in this thread:

And the sad thing is that 99% of the people will still go along with it.

we will only be safe once fauci is locked down under the dirt

fake news you fucking retarded idiot. stop getting gaslight by everything and even worse believing it. variant and fauci are going into the filter list, faggot

Oh so now we are back using the Greek alphabet. What happened to the xi variant?

I caught it from my vaxxed girlfriend. I slept for a day and had a mild fever. I got over it before my girlfriend did.

I knew it.

I love it
These people deserve the Death that’s coming to them

0×0 is still 0 you humongous faggot

Emperor Xi didn't like that one.

You could've at least not use the same image that's on the thread that's been posted every day this week and is currently up now.

That's the point. There is no link in the OP. Retards should have this figured out by now.

fake and gay. they haven't released the new variant yet

still waiting for Sigma to mog every other variant

Omega lul

Cry wolf some more
still voting Trump

"Fear my (latest) Goldstein !!"

I am the alpha and the omega

>magnitude of order

Fake and gay, we are on the ligma variant.

The a and the z

The time of zog is upon us

How are they still in power???

Great Reset Variant

Attached: images (56).jpg (448x685, 24.96K)

nope, not gonna comply.
please let some masker get in my face so i can end this shit

They must be getting bored of Ukraine so they're going back to this fag

He's a 82.
Right Cross to the head.
Fauci problem ended.

Same here, bit I got it for 2 days. It sucked but whatever.

He has a house. He drives.

Damn, it's over

Alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. Virus is nothingburger, it's all about symbolism. Embrace yourselves, we're about to face something terrible.

OMFG it's so bad we are gone be in lockdown for years due to this

>nooo people aren't dying fast enough from vaccines
>bogdanof activate project OMEGA

HOLY SHIT! The Hyper-giga-omnimega-deadly variant of ultimate doom just flew over my lungs!

i hope he does call for strict lockdown measures, and i hope everyone then says 'no' and doesn't adhere to any of them, and then for the grand finale i hope it really is super deadly and it kills every fucking one of us

no shit retard not to mention the fact the date is purposely obscured from the op image

Omega just flew over my house.

No link. FUCK YOU!

I love this guy because he triggers you CHUDS so much. Bunch of little snowflake antivaxx cucks, keep crying.

Get the jab chud

Attached: fauci.png (1080x1080, 211.36K)

How pissed do you think he is now that Omicron basically ended COVID? He could have got the credit for the W.

>by magnitude of order

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Faucism is a disease america spreads across the world.

After seeing how useless the lockdowns were and how our politicians didn't even comply with them, every non-retarded American is redpilled.

As for mr, I'll just continue moving forward fucking Asian Ladyboys without a mask, less than 6 feet (2 meters) apart and without a condom.

Living in fear of anything isn't living at all.

Attached: Eren_faces_off_Reiner_in_Shiganshina.png (1920x1080, 1.42M)

Holy crap bros, this lockdown is going to be so long and hard. Black times ahead.
[spoiler] Fucking got me lol [/spoiler]

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The final letter for the final solution

Fake and gay

Attached: 1648758566990.jpg (181x203, 49.53K)