Is Red Pill culture dying?

Is Red Pill culture dying?

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It was retarded to begin with.
Corporations will literally poison you to save a million dollars on packaging.

As long as the System exist the reactions against it will only get worse.
I was never redpilled by any talking head or pundit, I was redpilled by the System and all the terrible things it does.
This is what the mainstream cannot understand.

When The Offspring went pro-vax, because of fucking Noodles.... that was the end.
Dexter did molecular biology he should know better

I think it might be becoming more common, but normies fear the backlash off their peers. So, you don’t hear much of it.

The fact that it's a "culture" is proof that it's dead

He's manosphere. He almost explicitly stays out of politics.

people waking up to the biggest LARP in history

guys with toothpick arms pretending to be alphas
idiots pretending to be intellectuals
or stuttering nerds pretending to be players

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What the fuck is "red pill culture"

Never trust anyone who wears a beanie in weather that isn't freezing.

google jack murphy cuck butt democrat republican timcast brunches seminal order workout

To be fair, that Chinese woman is just copying the western masters. That's all they can do.

Redpill died when it began being associated with incels and pickup artists

literally biology at the kek school of medicine

Based chad alpha who knows what women want (they want an alpha man and he knows)

Not the own you think it is. Eastern Woman are now more "Western" than Western Men.

So alt-lite basically

This unironically. Lots of wisdom behind this statement and I'm saying it unironically

>To be fair, that Chinese woman is just copying the western masters. That's all they can do.
Lmao this. Same with these Chinese students pressured into being violin and piano masters when it's not their art or instrument.
It's just a backwards way of trying to impress the West, unaware that the West and it's art traditions and cultures are dead.

No, it refers to the sex-related grifting niche specifically.

It was faggot shit to begin with. Anyone who thinks smoking cigars and owning a motorcycle is preferable to starting a family and being the patriarch is fucking retarded.

So alt-lite basically.

Guys that wear these gay knit hats all the time look like douchebags.

did you read the fags over how a man was so obsessed with women he made better sculptures
which wasnt even true because theyre obsessed with women

Not that I agree with him but Rollo Tomassi has a wife and daughter.

MGTOW and PUAs say that they are red pilled, but they do not discuss race or Jews. They think that red pilled only involves knowing women.

I hope so because they're a fucking cancer and are holding us all back with their grifter horseshit.

Zoomers are full on niggercattle.
Every time I talk to one I find it absolutely bizarre.
They agree with ANYTHING. You just say something and they will agree. You can literally program them in real time. They are like robots. You just tell them what to think and do and they do it. It's unreal.