I fixed this one for you, Any Forums

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Jan 6 was a good thing

whoah. epic win! you win teh internetz for the day, sir.

that one doesnt even make sense
the left cant meme

that doesn't even make sense you retarded mutt

This is inspirational....the only president who could unite so many people together for a common reason. Thanks for the based reminder

Literal cope.

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Trump made a crowd? That's your Le epic own?

Uh oh, looks like wagie has some strickers to scrape

It was literally the worst terrorist attack since 9/11. MAGAt tried to overthrow the government, something that hasn't happened since the civil war. The nation is still reeling from Jan 6.

Why is it libtards can never be original... or funny?

East.EuroTard logic...

Attached: YOU.jpg (1890x1630, 186.15K)

meme makes no sense
sticker should have picture of pelosi or a glow nigger on it

Attached: GasBidenR2.png (800x600, 265.31K)

It was literally the worst terrorist attack since 9/11. MAGAt tried to overthrow the government, something that hasn't happened since the civil war. The nation is still reeling from Jan 6.
You're gonna have to put all that on the sticker for people to get it

Repost thread

How are we reeling from it? I didn’t even know Jan 6 was a thing until recently.The only thing we’re actually reeling from is how terrible of a choice it was to vote in your mentally Ill grandpa.

Pussy hats did the same thing during Kavanaugh hearing.

No, the abc agencies did that.

it was a good thing but the execution was awful.

They run on bitterness, not cynicism

Good thing none of them thought to bring weapons. Or maybe Trump supporters just aren't the types to own guns?


>Trump tried to save you from yourself
>still mock him as you fucked by gas prices
liberals are truly mentally ill

No you didn’t. You just reposted this image you stole from a thread yesterday. Eat shit and die for me, will you?

>all bad things during demoncrat terms are republican's faults
>all good things during republican terms are the aftereffect of demoncrat presidency
>every time
I will never forget that the MSM hated the vaccines when it was Trump in power and then did a 180°

I know, what a shitty "revolution" huh almost like it's fake Fed nonsense

Trump had the FBI attack the capital under budget and ahead of schedule since all the Trump supporters were still watching Trumps speech when the FBI gave the attack orders.

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>boomers loot the capitol
>so gas is 70 cents cheaper