Why are people pro-life? Don't they realize that women who get abortions are usually people not fit to become mothers...

Why are people pro-life? Don't they realize that women who get abortions are usually people not fit to become mothers, thus giving society the benefit of not raising offspring that is detrimental to society?

Attached: Human_fetus_10_weeks_with_amniotic_sac_-_therapeutic_abortion.jpg (2205x1659, 3.23M)

Every life deserves a chance, you're justifying murder of the most innocent because the mothers are incapable
Id much rather pay for orphanages than health care for illegals

I'm only pro choice because it's the only thing keeping nigs at bay

>Every life deserves a chance, you're justifying murder of the most innocent because the mothers are incapable
Life doesn't "deserve" a chance, things live because they do. Yes this is murder, but I'm inclined to think that people would rather stay dead than grow up in a home where the mother is a heroin addict in some slum.
>Id much rather pay for orphanages than health care for illegals
These are not mutually exclusive.

Okay so you support generous child care payments to ensure that the child grows up in a stable home and environment right? Surely you're not one of those people who only cares about the kid before their born but after that their on their own. Friendly reminder the number one indicator of being a criminal is a poor single mother for a parent.

A fetus isn't a life yet though. Do you remember being a fetus? A fetus is like a life capsule without the life in there yet and the mother can just make a few fetus and give the second fetus the same life the first fetus would have had if she chooses, and if she makes the second fetus with the same guy then there would only be a miniscule physical difference

>Yes this is murder
I don't really agree it's murder, if it was murder it would be illegal. Murder requires malice

Murder doesn't require malice. I'm pretty sure there are lots of cold hearted soldiers that kill and have no ill will towards their victims.

Because it fuels satanic magic that gives my enemies magic powers.

>athiest has opinions


>if you don't support my ridiculous caveats then you must justify murdering innocent babies
no, fuck you. How about we just murder you instead and save us all money and the potential for you to fuck up more things in the future?

It's not just that they don't realize it, they don't even think about it. Their level of thought about what's good for society doesn't extend beyond "no dont kill the baby that's terrible! :("

Do you remember anything before you were ~5 years old?
A toddler isn't a life, I guess?

Killing during war is typically in defense though. If they are murdering then they're charged with war crimes

Well prolifers believe human life begins at conception, which is fair. The difference is where people draw the line. Late term abortions are basically no different than killing babies. First trimester abortions are a gray area, at that point most organs haven’t really developed and it’s not really a conscious creature. I’m fine with abortion in the first trimester and I think it is a net positive to society to not have more unfit mothers raising kids they can’t support. A lot of people bitching about abortion are also bitching about having to pay welfare. You’d be paying a lot more if all of the aborted kids were born in the last 60 years.

It promotes irresponsible behavior

My mother is absolutely not fit to be a mother and yet here I am. No criminal record, not a junkie, not a degenerate.

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I’d love to be on welfare and help suck ZOG dry but I make too much.

You're paying welfare to immigrants intead you retard. Face it, abortion is murder and the burden aborted babies is now replaced by some foreigner which hates you and your stupid nose.

I'm sure the US invaded Iraq out of self defense.

Blessed and ckeck'd

imagine that comes from my balls, men are truly nature's miracle

So why can’t we still be against abortion (for white people) and also see that we have a huge societal problem of single mothers and miscegenation.

Niggers don’t get as many abortions as you think. The gov gives them more money when they have kids. There are more than ever now.

If crazy people are forced to take their meds then baby murdering whores should be forced to take birth control

how about if you get one abortion, we suck out all your eggs so you will never breed?