Russian troops at Chernobyl get radiation sickness


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But the many tourist that have been ther ebefore often come oit fine
That must mean that something happened that would make there be a lot of radiation again

yeah except to get radiation sickness you would have to be inside the sarcophagus or next to the elephant's foot

either propaganda or some dumb niggers went to do some tourism where they shouldnt have

Fake the red forest is 100% safe

Or dig defensive positions in the red forest, if that's true they are fucking dead.

Tourists aren't stationed there for days.


Allegedly they were digging trenches and driving tanks around in the red forest, where the soil contains high amounts of radiation.


then go for a walk there faggot


Or mabye half/half
Often after visiting chyernobyl you need to undergo a screening for radioactive material
My guess is that the soldiers are underway to do just that and the nearest place rhey can have that done is probably in Belarus

>Source: Daily Fail
>Their Source: Some hohol on FB

LMFAO. Yeah, i'm sure the area people go to tour is melting all of them. Maybe the NATO shills can jerk off to this fantasy too



Either this or a propaganda story. You dont really need NCBR gear near the station itself but if you go full retard you can always get in trouble.

They drove tanks through red forest, stirring up the soil that still had radioactivity underneath. They were also told to dig trenches. So the soldiers were standing or sitting in a hole on the ground full of radioactive particles. Forbidden Zone is relatively safe to visit these days but digging the ground is strictly forbidden because thats where the radioactive particles have sunk into over time.

It’s only 3.6 roentgen

aaaaah right
completely forgot that soldiers tend to dig sometimes

100% it's vaccine side effects masquerading as radiation sickness.

Western propaganda, even slavs aren't this dumb.
Stop spreading disinformation, homo.

Trips of Truth


Depends how far away from the reactor they were , how long were they in the radioactive proximity.
Also wouldn´t be surprised if they took excursions in the still highly radioactive buildings/offices to take some souvenirs to send to babushka.
Wouldn´t be surprising, if the article is sucked out of the pen aswell.

Attached: 1625150806010.webm (640x1138, 2.69M)

I'm certain all the stories about the Russians dying of cold and radiation is false. People who die this way are the ones invading Russian and fighting back, as all through out history it has been.

Wouldn't the nuclear stuff in the soil have depleted itself by now? Animals have been living in the forest.

Meanwhile in real life: Stalkers suffer no symptoms from a little bit of radiation.

Radioactive leak over Europe when

Too many Russians already out there camping.

Well that would suck but i think it wouldn't be that bad
But if they were breatheing in radioactive dust that's when shit his the fan a little because it's right inside of you and is very hard to remove, best they brought iodine

Nowhere enough to get radiation sickness, they either went in the station or its the usual propaganda. There are people who never left and are still living fine.

>anti radiation gear
Ukarianians can literally turn off the atoms

No, places like Red Forest were literally turned upside down and the radioactive trees, grass and soil were buried. Some areas have tons of radioactive abandoned cars and vehicles buried under the soil:

During the cleanup process a lot of cleaners got sunburns on their exposed skin from the radioactive dust. Imagine that, demolishing houses and excavating ground, and the dust itself burns your skin.

people get into the yellow scoop and nothing happens to them despite it being the most radioactive thing in the zone after the reactor itself
radiation is overfeared

Didn´t they bury the forest in new soil ?

The source are the chernobyl workers who were trying to warn the russian soldiers to be more careful. Some of them had symptoms of radiation sickness, presumably the poor idiots who were told to dig trenches in the Red Forest.

Everyone that works at Chernobyl has daily exposure limits. So do the tourists. The more radioactive the pocket you're in, the faster you reach that limit.
If you throw down camp in a radioactive pocket, even if it's just low level, you'll constantly accumulate and your radiation level never has a chance to go back down.
Stir up dust in the red forest and you're just asking for it.
Working and tourism is only safe when you don't disturb the ground too badly. Everyone knows not to dig.

davai comrades there is no graphite in chernobyl
cut the phone lines to stop the spread of misinformation
no one leaves
the feed water is mildly contaminated they’ll be fine i’ve seen worse

>Source: Ukraine

Radiation is something that exposure increases with length of time. So a tourist in brief contact is fine compared to a stationed soldier with long contact even if the radiation isn't super high

heh, just last week a bunch of faggots were on here yelling about how THAT DIRT DONE BEING SETTLED THERE BOARS RIGHT NOW IN THEM FORESTS NO RADIATION

This was proven fake news, Russia took Chernobyl on 2 day of invasion and Russians were never in a defensive position to have to "entrench" themselves in some forest. They finished the troops there instantly.

kek here they are!

No the source is ukrainian media telling you the Tchernobyl workers said that.

Got a credible non-western/5 eyes source?

Only 3.5 roentgen, how many days has it been 3.5 roentgen now? 4, 5 days…..?

Those tourists don't go into the red forest and digging trenches, they also get guides and counters to keep them away from the hotspots. These russians are kicking up dirt everywhere and likely getting it in their shoes and gear as well.

Shit lasts several thousand years, essentially it will be hot forever, so far as humans are concerned.

The source is chernobyl workers talking to Reuters, bypassing the ukrainian media. You're long way from home, Boris.

Attached: Notgreatnotterrible.png (680x336, 453.48K)

spoken like a true commisar

Seeing a shit ton of cartoonishly fake articles out of them lately. Taken with a grain of salt because they're no different than the rest of the propaganda machine.