Amerimutt h8 bread

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You fucking nigger, that is very rude.

Based fuck mutts

Stupid, fat, ugly, stinky, short, fat, vile, degenerate, brown mutt.
I pray for your total annihilation.
I want to see you boil to death.
I want to see you freeze to death.
I want to see you dropped from a plane to death.
I want to see you drown to death.
Each time I want to ressurect you to experience a greystone death.
I will never be happy or content unless I see Americans for in the every possible way.

its funny how americans insult everybody, then when they get insulted they start crying and calling you a jew

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t. judenswine mongoloid

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kek As if Australia didn't sent troops too to e.g Iraq. Get fucked ya d&c abos

I am happy that I was born just in time for martsharters to be lynched alive by niggers

>calling anyone fat
>while eating BEANS for breakfast
>and BEANS on toast
>and BEANS off the feet of a slag for dinner

>t. judenswine mongoloid

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This is what most American flags look like.

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>"Oh boy I can't wait to think and talk about America today"
Sad! Many such Euros!

Wrong pic

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Its Australia, retard. Thanks for retaining our retarded reputation.

American 100 years ago
Future Americans

>Average white American male

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You hate us because you ain’t us. I forget your country exists. You spend your day obsessing about mine.
Eat an additional bag of dicks on top of the one you already planned to eat today anyway.

Neo Americans as I call them.

You were right the first time.

Americans are immunized against all dangers;
One may call them Jewish Golem, degeneracy exporter, war criminals, lands of mutts, fats, and fags; it runs off them like a water off a raincoat but tell them they are irrelevant, nobody cares about their country and you will be astonished at how they recoil, how injured they are, how suddenly they shrink back and shriek : "AMERICA NO. 1! You don't know what real freedom and 2A is!"

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That's what future Americans will look like when you eventually take part of your country back

Best thread atm

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Well if you think about it, I am surprised it didnt happen earlier in history. Probably a stupid idea to leave an ethincally pure White homeland to "tame the wild" of a bunch of savages just because some aristocratic cunts promised farm land.

I always confuse you guys with Saudi Arabia. Is there a difference?

Yes, Saudis are more conservative than us.
>fuck canada too.

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