Russians, Slavs, and Jews should form an alliance against the great Satan that is G*rmany

Russians, Slavs, and Jews should form an alliance against the great Satan that is G*rmany

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Russians, Slavs, and Germans should form an alliance against the great Satan that is A*merica.

I got a better idea, it's time for all the warmongering drama based dipshits on all sides to die, true equality. Your race won't matter, your gender won't matter. Only if you're pure HEARTED or not. Time to die, fuck you all

Germany fucked up all of world history by ruining the league of the three emperors.

america is german

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not anymore
the anglos anglisized their names and killed off the culture

That was a difficult movie to watch

In real life those situations happen while you are worshipping Juju Bongo and you don’t feel uncomfortable about this kind of thing.
Others never feel uncomfortable with anything at all.
Having to tolerate your normie shit is a burden that I never wanted to deal with.


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Germans not so bad

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He doesn't know that slav language comes from slavery, mainly to the jews

Slavs and Germans should form an alliance against the great parasite that is Jewry.

>He doesn't know that slav language comes from slavery,
and niggers came from the word nigger. whats your point?

Still not so bad

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DREIKAISERBUND should be restored to finally deal properly with the Jew issue.

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Hitler and all of his friends were born abroad. When you go through hsitory you notice that most leaders that achieved something originated from a different country and were brought to power by foreign agents.

Okay, globohomo.
If any alliance should be forming - it's great European alliance of Russia, Germany and France against globohomo and eternal anglos.

scheiss ausländers

looks like that alliance isnt forming anytime soon