Literally the biggest redpill ever dropped in video game format

>literally the biggest redpill ever dropped in video game format
>no one on Any Forums is talking about it

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explain how

fuck off I have other things to do I will finish it later kiddo

>omg did you read between the lines?
>killing the scarlet dog queen monster was like covid
>the demi-humans are jews
>le tarnished is trump supporters


Yeah yeah merchants Jews frenzy

Fag souls?

Buy me a new PC or a PS5


there's like more than 20 thread each days on that shit on Any Forums

But bosses are shit, there's only 5-6 good bosses and Ost are garbage

haven't played it, hard disk died, what's going on paddy?

The merchants are jews

Nice explanation dipshit
All fields

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Pls explain

I will lobby a special military operation in your spaghetti land and personally rape your grandmother

The storyline is based on occult philosophy stemming from multiple ancient religions. The game is allegorical and tells you the purpose of the world from the perspective of the occult.

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Read Evola.

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>there are monster redpills in my new mainstream bing bing wahoo
kill yourself

>I will lobby a special military operation in your spaghetti land and personally rape your grandmother

Checked, maybe focus on the shithole you're trying to invade champ.

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Ran into literal screeching monkey warriors while playing this game.

They chimp out and attack in groups

Fuck off you child

saged, stop promoting your pile of shit for manchildren and soj eaters

no maidens?

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I'd rather be a gamer than a bong

>Botox injected into the butt
>OP likes Buttsex with men!

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The redpill is that video games are a waste of your life and that you are a pathetic incel who will never experience what the world has to offer because you are addicted to the video game Jew. Go outside.

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