What are the political implications of grown men that can't move past their childhoods?

What are the political implications of grown men that can't move past their childhoods?

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They have to make a decent amount of money to afford all those toys. Fuck it. Who cares.

ye bro they should be doing productive things like posting on Any Forums

The same people who think owning guns & doing drugs is “maturing”


Like nigger you can just take a break, get a job, and then play vidya with your kids for the rest of your life if you absolutely must be a manchild.

If you have success in life there's nothing wrong with buying stuff. When you have kids you'll have solid assets to leave behind for them. Never put all your money into a single asset, whether it's cash, stocks, or whatever it is you prefer to fill your home wtih.

Your father didn't either. That's why he collected LPs, or was tinkering with oldtimers for nostalgia's sake, since he used to do that together with his dad.
It's just more obvious nowadays because entertainment evolved so fast that the hobbies of each generation are in stark contrast to those of the ones before.

Are you one of those losers who thinks you have to stop having hobbies at 30 and instead become a worker drone who slaves away for others till it drops dead?

do what you want instead of being a slave to a child

nobody posting on Any Forums can really call anyone else a manchild, or complain about not giving back to society.
Also not everyone's life goals are the same. There's already way too many miserable people having kids that get fucked up because their parents hate eachother and their lives. But felt the obligatory need to have them anyway.
If you really want to help, stop whining on the internet and go join the amish.

My dick in your mouth

LGR is a tech/game archivist. pic rel is not a good example, however, most of the brand signalling with comics and games are just attention whores.

Leave Clint alone!

Having hobbies is what keeps white men from taking over the world. Make of that what you will.

Noone cares about your hobbies when you're successful.

Typically the same people who own guns aren't the ones doing drugs. Nigs and spics don't count, we both know you weren't referring to them anyway.

That guy prob has some use in an 8 hr day. Its obviously going to be in front of a computer

>Never put all your money into a single asset
This goes for a house too. A truly free person has the financial security to walk away from a bad boss or run his own business that can ride out globohomo storms

They hang out on Any Forums all day making retarded posts on Any Forums

And with 1.6m subs on a clean channel In a genre that gets premium ad spots he's probably making more money than most people on here. 100k subs on YouTube can make you a living if you're frugal enough.

Great thread Bruce. Here is an idea, how about you have hobbies and a family life... ordoes Centrelink not cover that in Noongar land?

>solid assets
Kek didn't realize funko pops and pokemon video games were generational assets. Nice cope though
ITT: angry man children who got their fe-fes hurt when OP called them out for wasting their lives by consooming literal children's toys and (((brain dead media))).

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It creates weak men, then gommunism.

LGR is pretty cool

There are more than two types of person, I don't play PC games or collect funkopops but I do historicalwargaming and play music. You guys are so fucking austere and can't figure out why your lives are empty. Many hobbies are just busywork but that is life. Would you say the same of painting or stamp collecting?

He has low testosterone. I watched some of his videos when I was looking for some nostalgia and you can see and hear that he is way more femine than an average male.