Is public transportation really such a bad idea?

Is public transportation really such a bad idea?

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As long as niggers exist it is.

Attached: Cut_dog.jpg (878x506, 118.15K)

Works just fine for me. Not as comfortable as taxi, but works.

Public? Duck you for believing that duckhead!

Poltards will always say “blacks” but I live in a white trash area and there were always drunk and high morons causing accidents. Probably the same in any poor black area centered around cars.

If you ask me I’d rather deal with idiots in public transportation than risk them killing me by crashing.

I'm sick of retards in these threads who think we can't have both (we already do btw).


You need a duck, fuck your duck! Yeah but

Yes, because private transportation is the way whites keep themselves segregated from filthy niggers and homeless

In a white society no

America is not a white society

There is no such thing as disembodied policy.
Who is being given power to implement it?
If it isn't being specified, it's only natural to assume that it's someone untrustworthy.

For example:
I don't trust anyone to implement controls on thought and mutually consensual speech.
I don't trust leftists to implement any form of environmental regulation, but I might trust some kaczynski types to do so.
I don't trust anyone who supports mass migration to implement universal healthcare, but I might trust some ethnonationalist, localist etc types to do so.
Etc, etc.

If you just asked me:
>What is your stance on environmental regulation?
Then I'm usually going to just say something dumb like "niggers" etc.
My actual stance depends on who is being given power to implement it.

With private transportation, I can go the entire day without seeing a nigger. With public transportation, I'll have to see sixty (60) niggers. And that's terrible.

I fucking tired of this word you fucking racist! It’s called duck, get through your head, duckhead. I am duck!

I don't give a damn about metros, I've got a bike and can use it.
I just wish we had a way to get from city to city that wasn't Greyhound.
Have you ever looked at a passenger train line map?
You can not travel from the largest city in my state to the capitol by rail.

You must live in a dense urban area.

You can go anywhere with a car

Jesus you’re a bitch. Get a car.

>we already do btw
There is no light rail in my county. The bus lines only cover about 20% of it.
We have a city with a pop of 3 million people and no fucking way to get there except by car if you live even 25 miles outside the city.

But East Asian countries have the best public transportation and they're 100% non-white.

Not a bad idea in a developed and prospering nation.

Fucking ban these threads. It’s the same fucking tranny making these “muh public transport u dunt got em” threads. Kys

Is your mom really such a slambeast?