Our boy was kicked off 2 other rides that night

Other ride operators noticed tyre's enormous size and kicked him off their rides, but the white boy was too scared or intimidated to say no, youre just too fat to ride on this one too. This is what happens when a society is too scared of political correctness and the unbelievable hurdles whites go through to appease niggers.


Attached: Screenshot 2022-03-30 at 20-40-20 Fox News.png (879x662, 856.87K)

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Attached: Screenshot 2022-03-30 at 20-46-46 Florida FreeFall teen death Cousin says teenager was denied from entering two other rides.png (2160x774, 131.03K)

Attached: Screenshot 2022-03-30 at 20-48-06 Florida FreeFall teen death Cousin says teenager was denied from entering two other rides.png (2160x1176, 230.12K)

He was a big guy

OP just made up everything about the operator to race bait. He died because his belt wasn't secured correctly.

Niggers are literally too stupid to live

Sounds like the nigger's cousin masterminded his death and needs to get 20-life in the slammer.

His name was legit Tyre?

He was 44lbs over the maximum weight limit

Pot head should not be operating in potentially death machine.
Is all the stonehead fault for being a faggot and wannabe whit the girl.

dead nigger is good nigger

Sounds like a retard.

His belt wasn't secured correctly.

Even if their own mothers think that, Christians lobby the government to intervene when a niggress wants to abort her unwanted gene replication. Niggers in a world of christcucks is like having roaches and a pajeet jain neighbor who thinks they're sacred.

wow, another innocent White kid has his life ruined and has to live with lifelong guilt and grief because leftists made fat dumb niggers their golden calf

Because he was too fat you nigger cum guzzling bitch

Pay shit wage, get shit workers

Because the belt is designed to only secure properly for people who arent fat as fuck.

>he dindu nuffin, it was the belt's fault

You are speculating. Belts can apply properly over weight limits.


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Thread theme


Lose weight you fat piece of shit


I’ve watched the video. The ride has that plastic shoulder harness but I can’t see a nylon seat belt anywhere.

these niggers were coached by lawyers to say this. it didn't happen


probably "ty-reee"
they always make us retaded names like that for their gorilla spawn

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They don't have them on that ride, just the hydraulic shoulder harness. It didn't go down far enough over him, that left a gap at the bottom of the harness, he slipped through. Definite design flaw in and of itself, but he should have been barred from the ride for being too big

There were no belts. The restraint tightened on his mid to upper chest, while it would go down to the legs of the average person. He either needed to weigh a normal weight, or the ride would've needed a seat belt.

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The operators who kicked him off their rides were niggers. However, the caucasian operator who let him on the freefall ride was concerned about being called a racist.