I thought we're sanctioning Russia???

I thought we're sanctioning Russia???

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I love Russia :3

Bread is not important food.

You get what you fucking deserve, toilet cleaners.

yeah it is

Fuck Poland lol


Attached: Per-capita-bread-consumption-in-several.png (650x1260, 62.95K)

english cuck teacher or edgy faggot soldier shitposting rather than sucking off his UNIT

>yeah it is
Let them eat cake.

Attached: 1643337077800.jpg (2048x1365, 1.36M)

People eat too much bread anyway. Unless you are doing hard physical work no one needs more than 1700 calories per day.

>Sanction russia
>poland starves
I see this as an absolute win. We should haved sanctioned poland,too. Just for the fun of it.

You literally talk like Marie Antoinette before she got decapitated
>Ma'am the peasants are revolting cause life sucks and starvation.
>What's wrong? Why don't they just eat cake? (Historically accurate)

You are delusional. Sanctions are not aimed against Russia/Iran/whatever. Sanctions are tools used by Jewish bankers to spread chaos and seize more power.

i hope that entire country is wiped from the map

good bait

We had this dumb thread earlier, Poland alone have fuckton of wheat, what rise prices is oil which is international problem. You need to move your goods via trucks and surprise it cost a lot.

When pedo putin occupies a key grain supplier to satisfy his pedophile cravings, prices rise because the balance between supply and demand has shifted. That's what niggers like you would rather play Pedo Putin in gender studies than learn about economics.

>Sanctions are tools used by Jewish bankers to spread chaos and seize more power.
Is there a solution? Something not temporary?

Wheat is not sanctioned, moron. Wheat prices would be up with or without sanctions due to Ukraine's inability to supply.

It's either Keto or DEATTTTHHH
This is what America needs, so everyone isn't such a fat faggot.

oh no no no no how could this have happened?